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On a bright morning like this with so much expectations in the air, Annika felt a little better. After last night she was quite sure that she had opened communication lines with Shivaay. She was being more than honest about her feelings than she had ever been with anybody else. She was glad about this improvement and wanted to tap herself for her control.

Getting ready for her day she was than reminded of the important task Shivaay had bestowed upon her. To make the presentation for Om's project. Frankly, she was quite confident as a person but this was such a huge project and so important for the Oberoi's that she was scared. She didn't knew if she can do this or not and having such responsibilities on oneself for the first time she felt quiet nervous. She didn't want to disappoint Shivaay, for whatever reason the thought of maybe hurting him in any manner made her uneasy.

After giving herself a prep talk in her mirror, she gave a once over to herself. Dressed in a formal suit for the first time ever she was feeling well dressed, and ready for the role. Telling herself that she will not ever let Shivaay feel down because of her she went to have breakfast with him. On the table, everyone greeted her when she sat near Shivaay. Giving her a nod he passed her some omelette and toast. Annika felt something off about the exchange the way he didn't look at her twice or gave her his bright smile. Neither did he pull her chair out for her or served her. Was she overreacting?? Maybe her nerves were confusing her mind.

Dadi: "Puttar why are you dressed so formally? Do you have somewhere to go?"

A: "Yes dadi, actually Shiv is working on a project that I was interested in so he is letting me join a meeting for it."

At her answer everyone started staring at her as if she just did some miracle. Giving a questioning look she looked at Shivaay. But before he could say something Rudra said "Wow bhaiya you are letting someone in your work life. Now this is huge bhabhi, he doesn't ever mix his personal and professional life. Not with us also. Sometimes we feel like he wouldn't even care if he didn't came home from office for continuous 3-4 days."

S: "Shutup Rudy. Annika is just interested in it and wanted to see it happen, so I'm letting her join in this project."

Tej: "Which project are we talking about here. Afterall I should know what my daughter likes so that we can continue such work in the future as well."

S:" Dad, it's just a work in process. Let me complete it first and get it on the floor, than I will tell you all everything about it."

Happy with his response everybody started enjoying their morning but Annika just couldn't get over the fact that he has not looked in her direction even once in this whole morning. She gave him a quizzical look and when his eyes met her she gestured him to stay back after everybody was gone. Blinking his eyes in confirmation he focused back on the breakfast.

After everybody was gone the two stayed back and Annika asked him "What is it Shiv? Did something happen? Did I do something wrong? Why are you not looking at me?"

Shivaay giving her a confused glare said "Nothing happened. It's you that didn't want me to come near you and be over friendly. I'm just doing what you asked."

Annika frowned " When did I ever told you not to be friendly. I just asked that we shouldn't blur the lines. That doesn't mean that we can't be civil or have some camaraderie. I just can't pretend infront of your family and than ignore each other afterwards, that's not what I wanted."

S:" You confuse the hell out of me sometimes, decide what you want jaan. This back and forth isn't working."

A:" I told you I want friendship Shiv. I want companionship. I want my Shiv who encourages me, who fights with me, who talks to me and the one who holds me when I'm feeling down." Saying so she turned and was about to storm off when she felt strong arms holding her from backside.

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