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They were cuddling on the couch and reminiscing about various moments of their relationship when her phone buzzed and, seeing it was Mallika, she took the precaution of stepping away from Shivaay before taking the call.

"Hi, Mallika — " she began but was cut off:

M: "Do you still remember about our brunch today? Gauri and I are at the Nut Cracker, like we agreed. If you're fucking the fiance, you have my permission to hang up."

Annika blushed so deeply she thought her capillaries would burst. "I'm not!"

"Then get your little ass here," was the instant reply.

"I'm on my way," she said in a voice so full of pleading for her friend not to say any more that Mallika, wicked woman that she was, laughed.

M: "Oh, he's still there, isn't he? Gauri has so many shopping bags, I'll be surprised if there's anything left on his checking account... Though I doubt it'll put a hole in that pile of gold the Oberois shit so profusely."

A: "Mallika, I'm getting ready as we speak. I'm going to hang up now and see you in a few minutes!"

She threw her phone and rushed to her room, knowing that if she did not show up soon, she would never hear the end of Mallika's crude remarks about Shivaay. She was running around, trying to locate her belongings, when she felt his eyes on her.

"I'm sorry, I have to run," she jabbered, "I completely forgot about my lunch with the Girls!"

"I'm known to have a sclerosis-inducing effect on women," he said slyly. The jesting Shivaay Singh Oberoi was back. She would not admit that she had missed him. She rolled her eyes.

A: "Don't be so full of yourself!"

"I will let myself out, Jaan," he said, amusement in his voice at observing her antics as she ran around, trying to find her things.

A: "Wait, Do you have some more free time?"

S: "What is it, Jaan? Want to kiss me goodbye?"

She blushed at his remark but then said "Maybe or Maybe I want a lift to Nut Cracker. If you have got some free time that is."

He snickered and then pulled her into himself "That can be arranged for a simple wager."

Annika with amusement asked "And what would that simple wager be?"

Shivaay pecked her cheeks "Do I have to spell it out loud? How about I just show you." He placed some kisses on her jaw.

"Please stop! I will be late." She covered his mouth with a hand.

Deciding to tease her some more, he nipped at her fingers and watched her eyes darkened slightly. His lips tracing her palm before bringing his teeth against her wrist, forcing a startled gasp from her. Her eyes followed his move as she stayed silent and obedient under his skilful touch, all innocent and His.

He kissed a path up to her neck, suckling at the juncture where her neck meets the shoulder. Her hands gripping his hairs, panting and shivering at his tender kisses. Lifting his lips to her ear, he bit the skin underneath and said "I guess this wager was enough. Let's go!"

Her eyes opened in an instant, looking at him with sweet passion. He watched as she swallowed heavily and tried getting hold of her breathing, her hands coming to rest by her lap nervously.

"Come on," he holds out his hands to her. "I will drop you at the cafe." And just like that they left.

"I'm so sorry I'm late!" Annika exclaimed, rushing into the Nut Cracker and joining Mallika and Gauri at their table. Gauri was literally surrounded by shopping bags with logos of the best labels in the World and imported luxury brands. How many are there? Twenty? More? "Oh my gods, Gauri! What's all this?!"

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