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Annika nestled further into Shivaay's warmth. His chest rising and falling underneath her cheek as her leg slid around his waist. She felt his fingers tangled in her hair while his other hand was comforting against the small of her back. He smelt so good with a faint hint of cologne. He felt like home, despite the hangover she was having.

She blinked sleepily, opening her eyes slowly to the darkness of the room, a strip of moonlight was peering through the curtains. Shivaay slept undisturbed at her side – his features were soft in his sleep, making him appear almost innocent and childlike. If Annika didn't knew better she would have bet that this was the softest man she has ever met, but she had seen his fierceness and his protectiveness. She slightly gazed the tips of her fingers over his smooth, bare chest as she admired his almost sweet features and like that sleep claimed her again.

When Shivaay had woken that morning, he had felt her heady scent around him before anything else. She'd been pressed against him, soft. Her cheeks mussed up against his chest and her covered breasts pressed against his side. He'd stared at her for a long minute, wondering if he should move her, but she felt so good –just lying there with him. He shifted slightly and she let out a moan of protest and clambered closer to him, patting his chest and putting her cheek back on it like a pillow. He had laughed out loud at that and the sleeping beauty mumbled something which he couldn't comprehend and turned herself away from him.

Shivaay had then stared at her back and placed a hand on the curve of her waist soothingly and left barely there kisses along the length of her neck. With this she turned back into his arms and blinked sleepily. Opening her eyes she looks into the striking blue eyes of Shivaay and says " Now who is staring Jaan?"

Shivaay shifts from underneath her and nestles in between her thighs, his large body covering her like a cocoon from any danger and kisses her collarbone replying "It's not staring but gazing Jaan."

Her hands goes to his face and she kisses his forehead lovingly and whispers "Did I annoy you alot yesterday? I mean I do remember bits and pieces but not much." Shivaay pulls her hands towards his hands and holds each one entangling their fingers together and replies "Nothing I couldn't handle, but maybe next time give me a slight warning before getting hammered."

She blushes red from shame and was about to reply when the door to their cottage burst opens and in walks Priyanka. She squeals at seeing their intimate position and turns her back towards them murmuring under her breath about heights of indecency. Annika throws a nearby cushion at her best friend and says "What indecency ? You are the one barging in without knocking at an engaged couple's room. You should be shamed."

Priyanka raises her hands in exasperation and says " See how ungrateful people are. Firstly, you come to check on them and warn them so that the elders do not catch them in bed together and instead of saying thank you they shame you."

Annika swung her legs from the bed and stood up going towards Pri and engulfing her in a bear hug, she says" Thank you darling, you are such a sweetu.....I will change quickly and meet you at the breakfast table soonish." Priyanka gives her a dirty look and says "Gods what did I do wrong to witness my bestfriend in my brother's t-shirt. Please Annika do me a favour and never mention this morning again."

Annika turns crimson at seeing her own state and grabs her dress and runs towards the dressing room, while Shivaay is enjoying the morning show with a wide grin. He looks at Priyanka's retreating figure and laughs at the silliness of these two adorable girls of his life.

Entering the dining area and looking at the weird stare of everyone else Annika looks at Shivaay quizzically and whispers "Is there something on my face or what? Why is everybody giving me weird looks?"

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