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Some nights makes you wish that you could go back in life, not to change things but just to feel a couple of things twice. The giddiness from last night has not faded from Annika's face, the ear to ear smile she was possessing was a testament of her feelings. Hiding her face in the comforter she chides herself "Gods Annika stop smiling like a idiot. What is Pri gonna think, she will definitely see that you have gone nuts."

While Annika was having such thoughts she felt a heavy weight hugging her frame, peaking from the comforter she saw Priyanka hugging her. Her smile widens even more (if that was possible) and cuddling with her best friend she started telling her about last night. How she flirted with Shiv and how he reacted afterwards. She was genuinely very grateful that she can share her thoughts with Pri and appreciated her friendship a lot.

P:" Oh my God Anni.....I didn't knew that my bhaiya can be so coquettish. You guys are so great together, he is surely different with you, nobody has seen that side of his personality."

Hearing Pri's words a flutter like sensation engulfs her body, she unquestionably knew now that her crush on Shivaay has intensified ten folds but did Shivaay even think about her like that? Confused by her thoughts and the utter uniqueness of the situation she found herself in, She decided to enjoy her day with her best friend on this vacation, rather than wasting her thoughts on worthless musings.

Priyanka ordered breakfast in room for them while she was getting ready and after gossiping some more they both decided to spend the day on beach. Changing into her one piece swimsuit that she had brought with Pri on their shopping trip and covering herself with a Wrap dress, they started moving towards the private beach near their cottage.

The boys were already present there and were having a gala time in the water, deciding to have a sunbath both the girls placed their towels on the sand and unwrapping themselves, they lay on the towels and started enjoying their sunbath. After some time they decided to flip onto their stomach so that their back can also get some tanning.

Just as Annika was about to doze of lying lazily she felt water-droplets dipping on her back and before she could understand who has joined them she found Shivaay laying beside her, sharing her small towel. Shivaay gave her a curious look as if asking if everything's alright, but she just shook her head and gave him her best reassuring smile.

OmRuPri were discussing what they might like to do for the night, while she and Shivaay were busy in their silent conversation.

Finally Shivaay seems to have enough of this mute convo and said "Good morning Jaan, it seems like we both got the same idea of spending the morning on beach."

A:" Good morning to you as well, and I wanted a lazy day today after the busy day we had yesterday."

S:" Yeah yesterday was quite adventurous for us, wasn't it." He teased wiggling his eyebrows.

Annika swatted his arm and noticed that he was wearing a light T shirt which was sticking to his wet body like a second skin. She inverted her eyes towards the other three arguing siblings (Uhh....what the hell is wrong with me she muttered to herself) and felt Shivaay eyeing her back (which was barely covered because of the swim suit).

Ignoring his eyes she produced a sunscreen bottle from her tote bag and started applying it on her skin. She was almost done and was trying to put some on her back as well when Shivaay picked the sunscreen and said "I will apply it on your back jaan."

Giving him a disbelieving look she gave a slight nod to him, and Shivaay started applying a generous amount on her back, her breath hitched when she felt him moving his fingers along the long scar she had on her back (she could have swear that he did it intentionally).

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