Chapter 6: Buried Memories

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                    Wilbur's POV (Before He asked Tommy to talk):

I followed quietly upstairs, hoping that he dashed so fast to lay on his bed, but when I opened the blonde's door, he was nowhere to be seen. Instead, a stain of blood against the boy's clothes from the orphanage had been out from the backpack, almost falling out as it drooped. It just made me point to the most worst scenario. 

Memories flooded back from my old child self, my self that I kept hidden and locked away, casted aside for eternity. My horrible aunt abused me and eventually abandoned me in an orphanage after my parents had died. My razor blade I kept with me every night that slashed my wrists. That pain of hating yourself. The feeling and sense of control against my own spiral of emotions and pain. That's when a few hiccups from the bathroom brang me back from my thousands of thoughts that jumped around in my head. 

Tommy's soft cries and pleads came from the bathroom. I deserve to live like this?

 Wilbur knew those please from the back of his head. Those sympathetic pleas you tell yourself when you're at your lowest. I couldn't just stand idly as I watched my own self hurting in a corner not reaching out for help and letting himself drown in the chaos and pain that surrounded him.

 I hesitated for a second but after hearing the boy's gag I quickly ran to the door and knocked. 

"Tommy, you okay?" 

I tried to be as quiet as possible as to not scare him. There was silence for a few seconds. 

"Y-Yeah! Just using the toilet..." His voice was shaky but fakingly cheery. It's honestly pretty scary how he could lie so easily about being okay even though he was throwing up a few minutes ago. He was definitely lying to me. I could hear it in his tone, he was in pain. I leaned my head against the door, hoping for him to just bring his hand out to me. "Can we talk when you're done?" Silence filled the tensioned air. 


I felt relieved, hoping I could push some questions onto him. Ijust hoped I wouldn't cross his barrier of comfortableness.

                                        3rd POV (Back to now):

He closed the door and then walked up to me bending down slowly as to not scare the blonde. His eyes were somewhat tearful. "Tommy, have you been hurting yourself?" Tommy flinched. He felt his whole body wobble a little. His eyes darted the room as his breathing paced fasted. Why did he feel scared? Why was he terrified?

Wait until they figure it out. They'll send you right back to where you belong you brat

He felt his eyes watered with tears as his breathing made his ears ring.

"! ......eathe!"

Wilbur's voice slowly drifted from

"D-Don't...Please..." Tommy mumbled out through Wilbur's voice

He felt his hands tremble as he held himself.

"Please don't send me back to them"

You're just a burden, Thomas. Everyone hates you

Tommy's voice trembled so much, hearing his dad's voice through Wilbur's loud voice.

"I, I don't want to go to that bad place again...I really-"

Wilbur just stood frozen in front of him, hearing his pleas. He knew that orphanage seemed really off in a safe sense but he didn't expect the boy to be quivering from even the thought of that place.

The brunette's embrace brang him back from the black void his mind pushed him to where his father stood choking him out. The brunette could feel his trembling body. Every inch of him was shivering. What could they have done to him to make him so scared of that place? That question pondered in his head. 

"Tommy, Hey- take deep breathes with me okay?" His eyes were glossed with tears as he looked to Wil. He clenched his own chest as he tried to soften his breathing but it just worsened. His eyes were shot to the ground as Wilbur shook him somewhat. 

"Tommy look at me, come one, just focus on me". His shakes and pleading calls didn't get an answer from him. Wilbur could only clench his hands as he just saw his shakey child self again. His former self that still lived within him that layed where Tommy was crying, right where Techno came to swoop the day. "Techno! I need your help!"

Techno ran into the room, probably hearing Tommy's large gasps from the stairs after Wilbur screamed his name. quickly thrusting the door wide open, he saw the blonde rushing out his breaths as he stared wide-eyed to the ground in Wilbur's shakey embrace. He moved the brunette aside to see Tommy as his eyes dotted around. 

"Tommy, hey hey..." He quickly hugged him tightly against his chest. It was almost too smothering. 

"Don't take me back please..." Tommy could feel his whole body somewhat flinch a little to his own sentence like it was something that should have been locked away deep in his heart or else they would see him as weak or prey on his fears like his foster families. Like his father. 

He never cried when they took him back. He never cried when they beat him, at least during it all. He was just so disattached from them but this family...this family was different. He felt like he was starting to let himself freer even if it's just been a few days. His grip tightened on Tommy's quivering body. So tightly that through Tommy's ringing ears, he could hear the light strawberry hair's heartbeat. His breaths were so long and purposeful big sighs and his heartbeat was very soft. 

"Just focus on my breathing Tommy".

His hiccups went through Techno's shirt that was covered by some of his strands of pink hair.

Finally, his mind started to clear up from his intrusive thoughts. It was as if though the whole world was going silent. Techno could feel his softer breathing.

"You're doing great bud". Tommy could finally hear Techno's voice. It was so gentle. His hair somewhat glossed in front of the boy's eye's as his vision came back to him.

"T-Techno?" His grip tightened around Tommy as he questioned who the boy hugging him was. "Yeah, it's me". Somehow, he felt warm in his embrace, like his anxiety was easing up finally.

Tommy could now see his brother's face in front of him, holding a sad and worried expression. His light brown hair was somewhat messy and it quivered somewhat as did his whole body. His face went out of focus soon enough though as his eyelids grew heavy. And just like that, he had fallen asleep in Techno's arms, falling into a voidless dream. 

"W-Wilbur" he finally mumbled out before completely losing consciousness.

His little blonde brother just reminded him of his past young self. Full of anxiety and dread every day. "Will?" the brunette looked up at Techno's stern voice. His face showed an expression of worry yet it was calm somewhat serious. "Calm down too okay?"

 His whole body flinched to that sentence. He finally realized what he meant. Wilbur could finally feel his numb yet shaky hands as they sat near his legs. Since when was I breathing so shallow? He thought as he closed his eyes, trying to bring himself back from that state of mind, feeling his own anxiety slowly lift from his shoulders.

Word count: 1236

Author's note:

Short chapter today. Since it's short, the other chapter will be posted sooner :]

 Anyway Have a great day!

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