Chapter 18: It's Your Decision

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Both of the Techno and Wilbur stayed idly apart, glaring angrily at each other without saying another word while Tommy had stayed on the sofa with Schlatt, right in the middle of the tension between the two.

"Are you guys gonna be like this all day? Just apologize to each other already, this is getting really petty ya know". He was kinda right though, they had been pouting and glaring at each other for about 15 minutes, not spouting a word as he ordered delivery breakfast.

The blonde was somewhat asleep to the side of Schlatt, barely keeping his eyes open while in his comfortable position against the brunette.

With Schlatt's words that interrupted the long silence, nothing came after. There were at least 28 minutes before the food would be delivered so they had time to make up...before another fight starts to erupt in the house and the bickering lasts an hour.

But how the hell was he going to go through with this?

All of a sudden, the garage door near the kitchen opened quietly. Its creak made Schlatt turn and made the 2 glaring brothers turn a glance to their father that smiled at them.

"Your back. How was the shift?" Schlatt asked.

The beach blonde sighed out tiredly. "It was hell. A lot of people got injured from the storm last night. There were a lot of serious cases but nothing we couldn't handle".

He gazed around the room. "Where's Tom's" he warmly asked. Schlatt pointed right next to him which Phil walked over and immediately had a wide warm smile on his face, seeing the boy nuzzled to the side of Schlatt peacefully.

He seemed calm being next to a kid he met just yesterday. Phil ruffled then blond's hair, letting his fingers take into his locks softly. Phil's mind could finally calm itself.

"Good to see he's warmed up to you. He's usually very distant with people other than us".

That's not the only reason his mind was finally out to ease after the countless jabs of worry shoving his mind all night in the hospital, pleading for him to go back home to his youngest.

He still remembered the Shakey trembling hands that asked him to stay. His blue eyes pleading for Phil to help him through the night.

To Phil, he knew why. Of course, the storm could bring flashbacks of his trauma, one of the many few things his social worker sent to them herself, a list of possible triggers and mental disorders. The family knew the possible triggers, but he trusted his 2 oldest to take care of Tommy while he was out.

He had to leave even if he didn't want to. Even if he wanted to stay glued by his youngest son's side through the whole night and promise that he was safe through it ball.

Now, seeing him peacefully sleeping, his mind could be at ease and the hours of worry could disappear.

He looked to the 2 grumbling brothers on the ground one farther away from the other cross-armed. "And what the heck's happened to the both of them?"

"They got in a fight. Apparently, Wilbur was being rude to Techno cause of his poor cooking skills and so Techno poured milk into the eggs 'accidentally', (actually does air quotes in the air) burning the eggs and making them black so we're ordering IHOP delivery while these two bicker".

Phil sighed, placing a hand on his face.


Phil was s answered with a small grunt as he stayed looking away and to the wall angrily

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