Chapter 21: Wanna Talk about it, Mate?

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Closing the door from the other side, Phil peaked to the window instinctively and watched his sons walk away in silence until they were semi out of sight.

Geez, Phil hasn't seen his 2 son's so angry at each other in a long time...well, genuinely angry. Techno was the calmest out of the both of them when it came to conflicts but, it was the first time in a while he'd seen Techno so wordless and frozen with guilt. He'd always kept his composure when they would fight but, Phil was completely stunned at the sight of his oldest with tears glossing his eyes almost threatening to spill without his consent, walking away with his brother in silence. It was like a flash grenade, something that broke his heart.

It wasn't like the blonde didn't expect a fight to come out of this though. He knew it was going to happen the second he figured out that Techno never told Wilbur about what he did in that orphanage but he just didn't think that it would be that explosive nor that it would wrap Tommy into a spiral of confusion and fear.

He knew that Techno was starting to close in on himself yet again when it came to being able to protect his family. He could see the pain and expression of betrayal on Wilbur's face when he figured it out just as Phil did. Guess they were both reminded of the same thing.

It was at least 2 years ago, around the beginning of summer in june. A month he and Will would never forget and, let's face it, couldn't.

A hard 30 to 35 days of Techno beggining to go back to his old unhealthy habits of closing everyone he loves out and dealing with his own problems alone. Problems that Phil himself didn't have full understanding of at the time.


Something he didn't have a full grasp on. How they would completely consume his mind in utter self hatred and anger. How could he have even approached when from every corner Phil was shut out. He remembered the many days where he would bring food to the kid's door that would be left practically untouched, and the many nights where Phil waited outside the door of the pinkette's room humming a tune as the child aross the wooden door sobbed and cried. It completely took over his life the more he tried to ignore it. Days of silence between him and his kid's felt like torment until through all of the constant reassurances to the pinkette that Phil was going to be by his side and that everything would be okay, he caved and let himself wrap into the embrace of his father at the steps of his bedroom door where, Wilbur even walked out of his room and joined. That day left all three of them on the floor of the hall asleep with wet tear stains on their faces.

Phil could bet a million dollars that that day was one of the things that had made Wilbur lash out on Techno. It's what made him worry to such an extent.

Phil sighed. Honestly, mabye making the two of them go outside was a bad idea if he was going to be this stressed about it. That and fatigue seeping through his mind from the hours of work all night wasn't a good mix. Should he have let them stay inside and talk? Mabye his mind wouldn't be so all over the place if he done that?

"P-Phil?" A small waivering voice spoke from the kitchen where the blonde boy on a stool had sat, blue eyes staring into his own nervously.

In an instant of seeing the boy, Phil warmly smiled, walking away from the door and to the kitchen. "Coming".

"What do you want for lunch Toms? Anything in particular?" The blonde had his head on his arms that leaned on the countertop of the kitchen island. He looked like he was contemplating something. "Um...whatever's fine I guess".

A little bit of silence filled the air between them as Phil started to get food out of the fridge to prepare until Tommy muttered something quietly as his gaze wandered around the kitchen. "D-Do you think..." A pause, "Um- do you think we can make something that Wil n'Tech will p-particularly like?"

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