Chapter 29: Let's all Calm Down

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Read a really cool sbi fluff story and loved it! it Inspired this drawing from one of the parts of the story. I still semi-suck at drawing but still progress!! lol :D

Phil POV (3rd): 

"It's Tommy..."  

The second Phil heard Techno's voice whisper out the name as if though he was crying just seconds before making the hairs up his arms spiked up and a weird sensation of panic seethed through his mind, something he hasn't experienced in a while. Every single possibility of danger was being processed in his mind as he jolted up.

"W-what happened? Are you boys alright?" Phil didn't hesitate to speed question him. Dread was clouding every possible calming outlet he had in his brain. His kids could be hurt, lost or worse and he was at a cafe joking and enjoying himself. Guilt was writhing through his body in just mere seconds of the phone call, in just the seconds of silence Techno left through the phone.

Wait...Silence. Why was it silent? 

"Techno." He repeated, the fatherly instincts in him taking over his emotions and just flat out demanding he drives out to wherever his kids were right now. The stillness on the other side was practically killing him.

"um," finally, the silence was broken and the pinkette started to finally cutting an end to the static on the other side. "Tommy- h-he's okay now..I think. He had a...a panic attack, like- really bad, Dad". The beach blonde could hear the slight shakiness of his son's voice. A small quiver but just enough indication for Phil to understand how freaked out the 2 older kids must be. 

The second he heard severe. his heart dropped. Phil himself had dealt with bad panic attacks, severe even, yet every time he couldn't help but feel the quake in adrenaline that seemed to instinctively rush through him every single time.

The one time he could most recall was with Schlatt. He and his kids wanted to help with grocery shopping and there was a lady that Schlatt recognized as his father's 'side chick'. In the end, the lady cursed him out and just ripped at him openly in front of all the people in that damn store to watch, just flat out blaming him for his father being put in prison when he deserved to be in there. And, in the end, Phil escorted him out to his car, yelling a few well deserved...words out to the lady before leaving and trying to calm the boy down. All while his kids were on the brink of murder.

He was practically hyperventilating, words not even being processed or heard by Schlatt. It scared him so much yet he kept his composure. It takes a lot out of someone to be as calm as Phil always tries to be in situations like that, he couldn't imagine how the 3 were feeling right now or how they probably were pent up with panic and anxiety to the brim. 

He needed to go to his kids right now. That was the only thing he could think. 

"Okay, where are you? Are you guys still at the store? Are you coming home right now?" Phil just frantically asked, grabbing his wallet from the cafe table as he shoved his belongings in his pockets. Questions upon questions were instinctively thrown out of his mouth, almost completely against his brain that pleaded to calm down, to ease what felt like an interrogation.

"U-um- he's- We're, uh-" And as predicted, his string of sentences were overlapping in Techno's brain as he tried to speak, tried to put the series of events in order. tried to give Phil answers yet his brain was still completely in overdrive. You could practically hear the panic seething through the phone and the shuddering yet quiet sobs escaping the boy.

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