Chapter 22: When The Time Comes?

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Hours of talking and blabbing to each other was actually 3 hours long. Such a fulfilling conversation that they lost track of time and when realizing they had left their brother who was at the brink of panic alone with their overprotective father who would get worried if they disappeared for more than 20 minutes and never called them to check on them, they as quickly as they could, paid for the food and ran through the sidewalk back home praying that chaos didn't ensue while they were gone.

The second they were in front of the door, Techno pulled over the mat of the house, grabbing the emergency key Phil always left outside and shoved it in the doorknob. 

"Hurry up!" A panicked tone came from his brother but before the pinkette could answer, the soft click of the door's lock stopped them both from stuttering a single word.

It was a shock when they opened the door. Utter silence. The most weirdest thing you could hear in the Watson household. Especially with their talkative and loud brother and father in one place. Wilbur was the first to run into the kitchen, scanning over the room and see food half prepped and a stove that was off now. Ingredients were all over the counter but some weren't even out of the package. Celery still in its bag and onions half cut.

It looked like they stopped cooking halfway, an utterly unheard-of action they didn't think their father could physically do. It put Wilbur on edge. Something must have happened for him to stop cooking and leave everything out so suddenly.

"Wilbur..." His name stuttered out cautiously was all it took for the brunette to flinch back around to the doorway, seeing Techno with an awkward gaze to the living room just to the right of the stairs. He walked back in with Wilbur behind him this time.

Techno and Wilbur walked into the room, seeing the blonde cuddled up to their father with his stuffed cow and blanket wrapped around him and Phil snoring the day away on the couch with the end credits of Up on the TV.

Relief hit the both of them almost instantly. Wilbur sighed dramatically, dropping himself to the floor while his brother, although stayed with the same serious expression and barely any change on his face, sighed softly as his shoulders relaxed themselves from their defensive position.

"I thought something happened. Phil didn't even finish cooking and left the food out. Talk about giving me a heart attack," the brunette said jokingly as he stared at his brother and father cozied up together in one soft blanket and asleep. 

A peaceful sight that played with his own heartstrings. He can't remember a time when Tommy had slept so cozily with Phil. This was definitely a day they won't ever forget and a picture in their heads that won't disappear from there in a million years. A once in a lifetime picture.

Well...even if they wouldn't forget that moment, Wilbur still took the opportunity to quickly snap a photo of them.. bringing his hand out to Techno who knew exactly what he was asking for. Techno disappeared up the stairs and returned with Wilbur's borrowed camera, quickly taking a photo. The bright light of his old camera though accidentally stirred their father who woke up almost immediately to their surprise. A glance up and their Wilbur was with the most 'oops' expression on his face, at the same time his camera making a polaroid. It wasn't long before Phil had put 2 and 2 together.

"Heeey Phil," A high-pitched tone from his brunette son made Phil squint questioningly. Then his eyes focused on the polaroid that Techno snatched upon its completion.

"Did you just- take a picture?" A questioningly embarrassed Phil said.

"maybeeeee?" Wilbur said, lengthening the E as his voice went even higher. "what's it to ya?" Techno jumped in jokingly as he examined the polaroid without batting an eye to their father.

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