Chapter 7: A broken Soul

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Techno and Will now lay together in the bed of Wilbur's listening to the music Will had been making. Tommy was still snuggled near Techno's chest sound asleep while Techno ruffled his hair to ease his shaky limbs. 

Wilbur had a worried expression on his face as they listened to his music. "He's been asleep for a few hours now, it's almost 2 am". Techno nodded breaking the silence again.

"Will, what were you guys talking about that made him so anxious?" 

Will quickly jumped to the question, sliding off his earbud to the phone slowly, thinking of a good response. "Well, um... Today, I noticed that when I had made him eat the nuggets..." His mouth froze for a second, trying to form the right words. "When we came home, he had thrown it up in the bathroom like you predicted Tech". Techno sat up a little, showing his sighful face towards the sleeping blonde.

 "But when I came to check up on him, he was crying and asking himself if... he deserved to live?" 

His voice went high pitched for a second as if though he was questioning what he heard, now trying to see if his memory was serving him right, if he didn't imagine it or if it wasn't just another fever dream. 

Techno's eyes widened. "Since you went through the same thing, you asked him if he was also hurting himself or if he was okay right?"  

Wilbur was shocked. Techno easily could read Wilbur with a whim of his actions or expressions. It was honestly scary. Wilbur silently nodded.

 "B-but when I did, he kept asking me to not let him go back to 'that place' which I guess was the orphanage he was talking about. He kept calling it a bad place...As if though they hurt him".

Techno now looked at the blonde-haired sleeping boy, still clenching Techno's white shirt as he slept. He could see Tommy close up now. His eyes were still bagged with purple sacks and his body was very skinny. 

"I should tell Phil what's going on. Can you hold Tommy so he doesn't wake up?" Wilbur nodded, giving him a big smile. Techno put his hand on Tommy's shoulders to slowly move him but immediately let go seeing Tommy wince in pain. He let Tommy fall back on his chest as he was not sitting upright with the boy in his embrace. Wilbur was already sitting up, his eyes so wide now as his hands reached out to Tommy's arms as they trembled. 

"Techno...Did he...?"

The pink-haired boy quickly brang the boy's sleeve above his wrists with the most panicked expression hoping that Tommy didn't...Praying that he wouldn't...Believing that he couldn't do it to himself in pain, whether self-hatred or a way of coping with his feelings but he was proved wrong. 

The slash marks of cuts and scars layed across his pale skin. The new cuts were now bandaged above his upper wrist, still slightly bleeding. Techno could only hold his mouth in shock as he saw the self-harm right in his eyes. Wilbur already had tears in his eyes, seeing the boy's cut-up arm that had been somewhat trembling in pain. 

Techno brang the brunette into his embrace with Tommy's limp body. His hiccups were so loud. Techno could only glaze over his hair as he hugged him, feeling his lightened eyes grow dark and blank, feeling like he was reliving his past. His little brother was hurting himself and was in pain every. It made Techno question everything. Why didn't they help him from his other foster homes? Why was he so scared? Why did he make a slight fearful face when the orphanage is spoken about? What pushed him to that point? What could he have gone through to have such a heavy mind that weighed his own heart?

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