Chapter 17: Brotherly Bickering

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Techno woke up, not feeling the small boy in his arms anymore.

 He turned around and scanned the sofa's that Wilbur had layed in front of on the floor but he wasn't anywhere near it. That's when he spotted Tommy's blonde hair on the floor of the sofa. He peeked out seeing him wrapped in Techno's sheet snuggled against Schlatt who was slightly leaning on the sofa. 

Techno tapped on Wilbur's shoulder, shoving him slightly awake. He definitely needed to see this. When Wilbur woke up, his eyes glimmered to the adorable moment. They have never seen Tommy warm up to anyone other than them. When they went out, he didn't like being near large crowds of people and when we invited friends to pick us up from the house, he would stay far away from them, not trying to talk to them or give any eye contact whatsoever. It was the kid's first encounter with a stranger in the house and he took it like a champ.

But most of all, Wilbur was glad it was Schlatt. Even though he and Techno had some doubts about the whole encounter, they both knew they had a lot in common, Wilbur especially. They can relate to each other in so many ways. In truth, they were both glad he gained a family friend.

As fast as he could, Wilbur jumped up and ran to the kitchen where his camera sat and ran back, making a picture of them snuggled together quietly sleeping. 'This one was definitely going in the photobook' Wilbur thought to himself.

"Should we wake them up?" Techno whispered to Wilbur who was putting the picture in his pocket. With a nod, Wilbur had gone in front of them both of them and nudged the brunette who was somewhat snoring.

"Hm? Wha-?" In an instant, he was shushed by the two brothers. Schlatt woke up seeing Techno's and Wilbur's sarcastic grin on their faces. Something was definitely up with them but he just couldn't place a finger on what? Why were they looking at him like that? Was there something on his face or something?


Wilbur's eyes drew to the side of him. When he turned his whole body stiffened. Tommy was still nuzzled against him wrapped in his sheet. 

He looked so comfortable and peaceful sleeping next to him from his rigid state when he saw him awake last night. He pulled back a little turning red as Wilbur and Techno both snickered at him, watching Schlatt's panicked self groan angrily out of utter embarrassment.

He had a signaling expression on his face, almost screaming, 'Get the kid off me' as his face turned a light red.

 Wilbur's mission was complete, his friend was utterly embarrassed. The brunette sighed bending down to the sleeping blonde. He actually looked like he had a good night's sleep. His face gained some color from the day before. The bags under his eyes seemed to lighten and he was cozily sleeping against Schlatt peacefully.

 How he wished he could let the kid sleep just a little longer. He can't remember the last time he saw the kid sleep so peacefully before on his own other than the days Tommy would sleep with his 2 older brothers after the constant nightmares and flashbacks he had had.

He slightly nudged him, ruffling his hair as the kid stirred. "Wakey wakey Tom's. It's 10 in the morning". 

Tommy peeked open his eyes as he groaned a little. He opened to a smiling Wilbur and Techno staring at him warmly. He got up from Schlatt's side, rubbing his eyes as he yawned out a good morning to them...that was until he saw that the soft thing he slept on was Schlatt himself.

 "S-Sorry that I slept on you Schlatt," He said tiredly, almost slurring the words together. The brunette only chuckled slightly. "It's fine. My brother does it all the time. You get used to it".

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