Chapter 34: Let's Decide Then...

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"Love you dad"

Those words seemed to slip out of the kid's mouth as he fell asleep in Phil's embrace, and for what felt like the first time in his lifetime being with the kid, it felt genuine.

The second those 3 words were whispered out, it seemed to thin the air of the room for a couple of seconds, leaving Wilbur and Phil utterly frozen. It wasn't a heavy feeling. No, of course not. For those small seconds, they couldn't explain what they were feeling.

'He heard him right...right?'

'Tommy called Phil dad...'

'Holy shit, Tommy called Phil Dad!'

It was a slow realization of sorts for the brunette who was left without words yet instead racing thoughts. His gaze was promptly locked onto the sleeping boy as the words swirled around his brain over and over as if they couldn't be understood, like his brain couldn't catch up to them or like it was a different language.

Before Wilbur could even think to speak, could even bring himself to utter a single noise in the silence their father left, his attention was brought to the room's door that creaked open, the sound stopping the second it started.

 And there Techno stood, just as wide-eyed as him, eyes reflecting the light from the room with what seemed to be brimming water. The very expression on the pinkette's face told Wilbur everything he needed to know in that moment. Techno heard them, not everything but he heard those last three words, heck even the last word was enough to keep anyone frozen at their spot.

No one was upset at it, at least not Wilbur. No, that wasn't the reason why he was so shocked with no words.

He knew of Tommy's past. They all did. They all knew how hard it was for him to call someone else a father and not be reminded of that man, to rid of the abuse-filled role he assigned to it, and to give it a different definition. Heck, they even prepared themselves to never hear those words uttered by the kid. Yet here they were, all completely in shock from Tommy calling their father his "dad". Not father. Not that horrid label that man...that abuser had. No. Dad. His dad.

   Wilbur felt his heartstrings pull as his brain finally let it sink in, finally understanding the kid's words. It didn't take long for tears to brim against his eyes, looking at the kid as he couldn't help but feel so lucky to be by this kid's side, cherishing the very feeling those words gave him.

Yet his thoughts broke as he heard loud sniffling from right next to him...And finally looking up to their father, Phil was barely keeping it together. Should have expected that. His hand was holding the boy against his chest, the other trying to wipe away the tears that were sprinkling down. 

Tears were streaming down his face but through the crying and quiet sniffling, a smile was spread on his face. An overjoyed, happy smile that erased all used to be tension in the air.

"H-He called...He called me dad". He whispered out, voice all over the place as it cracked. It left Techno and Wilbur, fondly smiling quietly.

 A happy day for them all.


After a while, it became very obvious that Tommy was going to be completely out for the day. He didn't even stir when Phil moved him down to the bed and wrapped him in his blanket. He didn't move from his spot in the mattress when Phil came in and checked on him the next morning either. It was barely 11'oclock yet the kid was still dead asleep. Letting him sleep in for a little while more couldn't hurt so with a fond smile on his face, Phil walked out quietly, the door being closed gingerly until he firmly closed it with a click.

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