Chapter 24: Guess We Are Like Brothers

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"Follow me bossman, Big F may have some TNT or gun powder left in the mansion".

"Mansion? What do you mean?" Tommy asked confused as he followed the jumping Minecraft skin.

Running through the snowy terrain, a big build in the render distance of Tommy's game popped up. "What is-" 

Now in front of him stood a large mansion, higher than anything he had ever seen a build go and patternized in the most beautiful way. Tommy immediately stared with wide eyes, running over to it. The bushes around it were evenly made around it and the home's clock was the biggest he had ever seen.

"What the hell!! Who made this build!?" Tommy said as he looked at the front of the place.

"It was a friend of my brother. His name's Foolish".

"Okay, what the heck is that name. Foolish!?" That left Tubbo laughing profoundly loud.

They entered together into the home and upon entering the dark wood planks that decorated the home, Tommy looked up to see the beautiful lit specular of a chandelier. "This place even has a fucking chandelier!?" He yelled in utter shock.

"I know right? I didn't even ask Foolish to build that. He did that on his own. It's pretty awesome, right? Oh! I found some chests with TNT. Can you check upstairs for some?"

Now Tommy is searching the, what feels like, hundreds of rooms and small open areas, finding chests and collecting a bunch of gravel, sand, and gunpowder all in creating as much TNT as possible for around 45 minutes, talking to the boy through discord.

", should've asked this before but- why are we doing this?"

Not a second later, the boy- Tubbo was laughing, clearing his voice in the funniest serious tone. "Big man, there doesn't have to be a reason for arson, my friend". A slight pause before the boy quickly cut himself off. "Okay, okay, It may have to do with the fact that My friend 'accidentally' killed my dog in the game"

"Interesting. Where is your friend?"

"He logged off about an hour ago after killing him, scared of what I would do".

The blonde chuckled lightly, thinking of how terrified the kid must be of Tubbo. I mean, it made sense why he would be. Kid's gathering TNT as they spoke.

"Ha, well, you are kinda exploding his stuff. No wonder he's scared. What's his name?"

"Oh! It's Ranboo".

"Ranboob?" Tommy said, sounding genuinely confused. All he heard through the discord call was an incredibly loud, wheezing laugh.

"Ranboob!?" The boy said through his laughs, "That is the best nickname I have heard in so long! Yes, 100% yes! That's his name. Please, I'm begging you, call him that when you meet him".

For a while, they talked and minutes became an hour, then 2 hours, then more. A lot more (4 hours to be exact).

Conversations felt like a safe place and laughs felt genuine. They bonded quicker than anyone had thought they would be able to.


"...So, your brothers straight up almost burned the kitchen down!? My brother does that on a daily. He has a talent for it honestly. It's why he isn't allowed to cook anymore".

Tommy was left laughing his mind out. "That's fucking hilarious! Yeah though, I don't think I could cook if my life depended on it".

"Tommy, Dinner's ready!" Phil's voice sounded from downstairs.

"Well, looks like I got to get off, dinners ready over here".

"Same here. I should go down as well. Hey, add me on discord so we can talk later. I mean if that's alright with you". There was a small hint of hesitation In the last sentence.

Tommy smiled happily, his heart beating with excitement. "Yeah, sure! Let's do this again soon! Bye!"

"See ya!"

And with that he exited out of the call, added his new friend on discord, and exited from Minecraft, leaning back into his chair after silence filled his headphones. 

He did it. He actually did it. He talked to someone and made a friend. Turning around to Wilbur who was still on his bed with an ear pod in and a notebook in his lap and who was staring at him with the biggest smile on his face. Well, not as big as Tommy's though. 

Tommy didn't' stop himself from running up to him and hugging the living daylights out of him.

"I'm so proud of you Sunshine. You've made a friend".

The blonde came out of the hug, looking down to the ground and quietly fidgeting with his hands. "Thank you, for staying. I don't think I would have actually tried this if you didn't actually stay with me".

Wilbur brought the boy out of his embrace, bending down to him and ruffling the kid's hair. "Anytime Tommy. You don't have to thank me. It's just..."

There was a pause. "It's just what brothers do". The blonde froze, eyes going wide as tears unconsciously filled his eyelids and spilled against his cheeks, his sniffles following right after. Something that made Wilbur jump out of his spot on the bed and panic, worry seeping on his face.

"W-Whoa! H-Hey, don't cry! It's alright. Sorry did I make you-"

Tommy hugged back. "N-No..It's just..."

The blonde giggled wetly, tears soaking Wilbur's shirt. God, when was the last time someone had called him that. In the many homes he was forced to live in, sure he had brothers, but they all already made it a known fact that he wasn't their brother, a part of the family either.

The thought of making Wilbur one of those many that had discarded him on his list was something he never wanted to happen and prays to Notch above that he wouldn't have to either.

"Tommy?" Wilbur said again, a hand at the back of the boy's head as Tommy sniffled. "Sorry, I-I mean, I guess I've never thought about it like that. We're like brothers".

That's when Wilbur himself finally realized it. The blonde boy crying didn't notice it until now but the stitched up empty husk of a heart in his chest that was thought to never be whole again was now filling up with something he should have had his whole life. Longing. Attachments. Love. It all was healing his heart slowly.

The small amount of warmth in Tommy's chest was all the more persuading into letting himself hug the brunette with all of his might, tears never stopping as he sniffled in his older brother's hold. 

Wilbur was silent, eyes wide as the little kid in front of him, once distant, now crying in his hold and wrapping the brunette in the most gentlest hug ever. His mind was going haywire as tears flooded his own face.

'Brother...he just called me brother' was all that passed Wilbur's mind as he let his own tears slip out, never once letting go of the boy hugging him, letting himself softly chuckle at the kid's words.

"Yeah, I guess we are huh?" That was all that Wilbur said before letting the comfortable silence kick in.

...It's too bad things can't stay like this...

Word count: 1147

Author's note:

Angst foreshadowing pog lmao

This chapter is pretty short. I wanted to finish Tubbo and Tommy's Minecraft meet up in its own chapter so the time skip that was coming up didn't seem awkward lol TvT

Also, thank you guys so much for 19K READS!?! WTH!?

Honestly, thank you guys so much for being patient with me and my very slow updates, and thank you for the support! <3

I hope you have a good day or night wherever you are. Take care of yourselves!

Next chapter coming soon :3

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