chapter 02.

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minjee interacted with her viewers today while she played a game that recently came out in early 2019. she had fun conversing with her chat, even though she was an introverted person.

maybe it was because she doesn't have to show her face online, making her feel more at ease.

she was secretly afraid that if she one day decided to do a face reveal, she would feel self-conscious. you know when someone is too focused on playing games that they make weird faces or leave their mouth hanging open? yes, that.

it was pretty lucky for some streamers she saw on the internet who managed to still look good.

back to the topic, minjee was about to end her live stream. saying a couple 'goodbyes' and 'see you tomorrows' before finally ending it.

she heaved a sigh knowing she was going to do some editing. even if minjee was a streamer now, it didn't stop her from posting on youtube. she posted highlighted clips of her live there.

it was late at night when she was only halfway through editing. after cutting the video into the desired length, she decided to take a break. her back and ass were sore from sitting in front of her computer all day.

she was going to continue tomorrow.


a phone notification interrupted her bone stretching session. taking her phone from the table, she eyed the text she got from park jimin.

you up bro?

a/n; i wrote this at 2 am i need sleep

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