chapter 57.

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the dark hair, the body proportion, the jawline, the overgrown bangs framing her face. it was no mistake, that was choi minjee. she was standing there in line with zero clue he was a few meters behind her.

jungkook took a step closer. one step turned into three before he paused when the girl looked to her right. now he was convinced it was her from the side profile.

she looked restless as she shifted her weight from left to right repeatedly. one hand was holding onto her phone and he caught a glimpse of the black screen when she attempted to turn it on but to no avail.

the male slowly approached her to the point he was able to hear her sweet and calming voice when it was finally her turn in line. he passed by the people queuing behind her, earning questionable looks from them thinking he was going to cross the line.

"i'm sorry to bother but do you happen to have a charger i can borrow—" she spoke, only to be cut short when jungkook pulled her by the elbow and turned her around, startling the female. when she finally looked at his face, her frightened expression shifted into a surprised one.

jungkook couldn't believe what he was seeing. minjee looked beautiful like she always has. maybe it was the new year mood that made him have the urge to kiss her right then and there in front of everyone.

"jungkook," she softly said and that was the end of his patience. he held her shoulders with his large hands before pulling her body closer to him in a hug, not caring about the stares that were watching them. "kook—"

she wasn't able to speak when his face was suddenly centimeters away from her. his eyes were averting back and forth between her eyes and lips as if he was asking for permission. screams of awe can be heard from every direction from the bystanders and he wanted to make a move.

jungkook cupped her cheek and caressed it before slowly leaning in. the girl's eyes were closed as she expected his lips to rest on hers when—

"excuse me, sir, can you move aside please? i want to take a picture here with my brother," a high-pitched voice sounding like it belonged to a child brought him back to reality.

jungkook looked around and found himself standing in the same spot where he took pictures of the view with his phone in hand. minjee was nowhere to be seen. at the distance, he can see the area for cable cars which he was sure he rode already. was he only daydreaming?

"down here," the same voice spoke again and the male looked down seeing two small children, a sister and a brother. "we want to take a picture too, so can you move please?" the young girl asked politely while the little boy looked up and gave him puppy eyes.

"u-uh yeah, sure. my bad," jungkook moved away and let them take his spot.

he couldn't believe he imagined the whole scenario of him meeting minjee at the top of the tower. he must have gone insane right now to be dreaming about someone he liked. like a fool. the male looked at his watch and read the time, eleven-thirty. thirty more minutes until new years.

jungkook caught a cable car and it took him five minutes to get to the top. he was alone throughout the whole ride and the only thing he can see was the view from above as the car slowly moved up. when he reached, he ran towards the shop just to see if she was there like what he imagined, but nope.

if only his imagination was real, he would have shared a kiss with her in front of everyone by now. just the thought of being able to touch her lips with his again was making him a blushing mess. it would be their second kiss.

jungkook sighed and went towards the barriers, watching the wonderful view of seoul and eyeing the love padlocks. at this point, he didn't mind if namjoon won't come. the male needed some time alone for himself anyway.

he carefully looked down in an attempt to find his friends chilling on the large warm blanket but his vision only allowed him to see humans as tiny black dots— like ants.

jungkook heard shuffling noises next to him just as he was about to snap a picture of the view to post on his instagram story but saw a person crouching down next to him admiring the heart locks. he could tell it was a girl from her small structure and long hair, reminding him of choi minjee.

the male moved aside when the girl was about to bump into him and when he was about to go back to take pictures, she suddenly stood up. jungkook unknowingly had his eyes on her and it seemed that the girl caught his stare so she turned to look at him.

when both young adults made eye-contact, they had on a surprised expression plastered on their faces.

a/n; i'm so sorry for not updating. i got caught up with second lead and i'm having writer's block for this book.

i'm not sure if it's even called a 'writer's block' , it's just that I know how the scene will play out in my head, but I don't know how to interpret it into words. English isn't my first language so please forgive me.

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