chapter 14.

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"dude, stop doing that or you're going to get a concussion," hoseok spoke seeing his roommate banging his forehead on the wall for the past two minutes.

jungkook ignored his hyung's words and kept banging his head on the wall. he can already feel a headache forming. he was sure his brain was having a free and fun roller coaster ride right about now.

his godly forehead made contact with a soft object — or rather, someone's hand resulting him pausing for a couple of seconds before he turned his head to the side to see hoseok giving him a deadly glare.

seeing this, jungkook gulped in fear. he just witnessed a pissed hoseok and pissed hoseok equals to his death day. those once bright eyes that reflected the sun were now replaced with a menacing look.

"what's wrong with you," it came out more of a statement instead of a question. hoseok grabbed his shoulder before dragging the twenty one year old man towards the couch, forcing him to s(h)it down.

hoseok stood in front of jungkook, who was lost in his thoughts and the former could only assume that his brain had broke due to the fact he kept slamming it against the wall. he cleared his throat and caught the younger's attention, staring up at him.

"i think i like someone."

hoseok choked on his saliva and covered his mouth with his elbow, trying to stop the coughing. he felt the need to drink water so he went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, still coughing along the way. jungkook silently watched his older friend.

"can you repeat what you just said?" hoseok blinked ferociously and stared at him in disbelief, gulping down the water. was he hearing this correctly? did jeon jungkook say he likes someone?

"i think i like someone?"

the older stayed silent for a moment before leaving the living room and heading to his bedroom. he shut the door close before a loud muffled noise was heard through the walls.

then the said male came out of his room acting like he didn't just scream inside his bedroom just now. his hands shoved into his sweatpants pockets before he elegantly sat on the couch, looking at jungkook in professionalism. he nodded his head signaling him to continue.

"i think i like—"

"i get it the first time you don't have to repeat. now elaborate who this girl or boy is," the older male raised his eyebrow, back straight, and head up. jungkook found this extremely weird but went along with it.

"it's a girl i met online," he started. "her name is minjee," he added. hoseok listened to every detail he had mentioned about her. everything about her was alluring for jungkook. making him want more, to feel more, to see more, to know more.

he certainly was attracted indeed.

he wants to meet her. but wasn't that too fast considering he just saw her face two days ago?

"can you give me some love advice since you have been in a relationship before?" he asked, feeling hopeless to question hoseok about this topic after his friend gave him a bewildered expression.

hoseok crossed his arms and leaned back against the couch, his professional posture going out the gutter. he hummed, "you should try approaching her slowly. don't rush things. be close friends with her before dropping the bomb or you'll scare her away."

he shrugged and placed his hands on his knee before standing up. the older male walked towards the confused jungkook on the other couch and pats his shoulder as a good luck gesture before walking away.

a/n; stay healthy and safe! <3

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