chapter 12.

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"they're right around the corner, watch out," he informed. unfortunately, jungkook's character died trying to fight four opponents. at first, he only saw one enemy and thought he could get a kill, but then more enemies emerge from behind the building. he managed to eliminate one of them.

minjee hummed in response while slowly sneaking in from the other side of the tower, trying to find the enemy who killed her teammate. her other teammate was distracting from the other side.

it was a two versus three battle.

minjee was one of the two who were still alive.

their team started with five members and then it went down to two. she could only hope that she would get a win for their team. the time said three minutes left until the game is over. so little time yet determined to win.

her sharp eyes caught movement from the corner of her screen and she instantly turned towards the direction and saw one of her opponents crouching and healing, thinking they were safe. smirking, minjee got a headshot from behind.

two versus two.

she saw the outline of her teammate through the wall and two of her opponents were right in front. minjee's character swiftly ran to the halls to find a better position. her teammate got a kill but at the same time, they got killed.

one versus one.

she saw her last opponent approaching the weapons dropped to the ground. exchanging guns? i won't let you. hopping down the tower — thankful she didn't get any damage — minjee switches into her knife and backstabbed her enemy.

she heard jungkook letting out a gasp. "you did not just knife them."

"oh but i did."

the screen showed their victory and minjee smiled, leaning back on her comfy gaming chair. cheers could be heard through her headphones from jungkook's obvious cheering.

she took her phone from the table and went into twitch, clicking on his livestream only to see him giving off his adorable bunny-like smile. if only she could see it in real life that would be amazing.

"the birthday girl clutched the game," jungkook shook his head side to side as he crossed his arms. then he nodded his head slowly. minjee didn't understand this man.

she shifted her gaze to her digital alarm clock. seven eleven, it read. she has been playing with jungkook for six hours straight. her livestream count also told her that.

"i had fun today, thanks kook," she smiled, satisfied with today's activity.

jungkook, on the other hand, lightly blushed from the way she called him by his nickname. he looked away from the camera to prevent his viewers from seeing but failed as he read a couple of comments regarding his now red face.

"y —yeah no problem. i had fun too," he stuttered, covering his face. he questioned himself why he didn't set up his LED lights before so instead of seeing his red face, his chat will see purple instead.

minjee muted the call for a while to talk to her chat. "uh chat, i will be doing a face reveal. i got a lot of requests about this and finally decided to do it after thinking for months," she chuckled nervously.

her chat went berserk. it's time.

with deep breaths, minjee silently counted to three before turning on her webcam.

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