chapter 06.

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choi minjee watched the cashier scanned her items in the scanner, the cost rising with every scan. she ran out of ingredients in the kitchen when she was about to cook for dinner.

when she searched for her favorite flavored ramen packet in the cabinets, it was nowhere to be found. she then figured she ran out after remembering she ate some yesterday. so she dragged her lazy ass out of her apartment to restock her empty kitchen.

not to brag but minjee was a great cook. she can easily cook up different dishes perfectly, but not the ones she has yet to learn. just by reading instructions and the step-by-step process of cooking a meal from the internet was enough for her to understand.

thanks to her mother, who educated her how to cook as a teenager. the skills came in handy now.

minjee went out of the store, hands full of plastic bags. she had also bought ice cream just in case she wanted a midnight snack as she gets very hungry at night. she walked at the stone pathway, her eyes trained on her shoes.

she wasn't sure if it was a habit or not, but every time she walks, she would find herself staring at her shoes instead of what's in front.

just as she was about to turn a corner, she accidentally bump into someone causing her to lose balance and fall on a soft but hard surface. her groceries escaping the bags and were now scattered on the stone pathway. the clanking sounds of her coke cans and canned tuna filling the silent air.

she internally groaned and lifted her head only to be met with a pair of dark doe eyes staring right back at her. she couldn't see his face properly due to his mask and the lack of light, but all she could say was those eyes reflected the stars above.

snapping out of her thoughts, she turned away and got off the stranger, flustered due to the close proximity she had with him and muttering a small "sorry" before picking up her groceries and placing them inside the bag again.

a lone coke can rolled on the floor and she was about to pick it up if it wasn't for another hand reaching out for it. she paused her movements so she wouldn't initiate a skinship.

what is this... a k-drama?

standing up from her crouched position, minjee looked down and avoided the male's gaze before taking the can from his hand and bowing politely in gratitude. she then proceeded to turn away and speed-walked the way back home.

she couldn't believe that just happened.

she could feel the male's gaze still glued on her but not until she rounded a corner and saw her apartment entrance a few meters away. her heart was beating fast despite her calm demeanor.

a/n; hahaha i cringed writing this chapter but moving on—

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