chapter 26.

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— apartment, seoul.

"where are you guys?" choi minjee wailed with a visible frown on her face, staring intently at the bright screen, her soft features being captured by the camera that recorded every one of her movements.

she wanted to glance on the other computer beside her main, where the comments were flashing and disappearing as more appeared, but that would make her cheating as some of the viewers could go into her friend's livestream before going back to hers to tell her their locations.

it won't be a fun game if she cheated.

her screen was saturated and faded darkly, representing she was the killer this round. the killer held a hatchet in its hand using it as a weapon to fight off the survivors which were her friends.

minjee's job was to technically kill her friends and stop them from finishing the seven generators that were scattered across the map to power up the exit gates. the game was called 'dead by daylight' — a game released in 2016.

she sneaked towards a generator nearby, her eyes caught the movement of someone fixing the generator and this made her smirk. "i'm serious. i can't find you anywhere," she pretended to sound disappointed.

"she's lying, she's lying, she's lying. she definitely knows where we are!" eri cried out. at the same time, minjee swung her hatchet towards the player in front of her, earning a scream from jungkook.

"minjee you're playing dirty!" jimin whined. he was hidden between the boxes as he watched her picking jungkook up like a ratchet doll before approaching a nearby hook to latch him there, no escape.

when minjee left, jimin slowly sneaked towards the struggling jungkook before dropping him back down on the ground. both of them fleeing but still behaving as if they were hopeless.

"jungkook where did you go?" she questioned, discovering that her prisoner had escaped without her knowing. it didn't worry her though, since the survivors needed to finish five more generators and she still has time to torture them.

"oh, who's this?" minjee flung her hatchet towards someone and learned that eri was the one scampering away. "eri, come back here," she chuckled at the shrieking girl who attempted to hide under the debris from a ruined building.

"oh no," minjee sarcastically announced. "i lost her. where did she go," she added as she threw her weapon towards eri's direction, her character falling on the ground, blood sprouting out.


she heard both boys laughing from her headphones at the screaming girl who was trying to escape the scene. "oh my goodness," she approached eri, watching her struggle to stand back up on her feet. it was a funny sight to be honest.

"minjee, you're a psychopath," jungkook scoffed playfully. "do you enjoy watching us suffer?"

"of course not," she denied. "but i'm going to make an offer. you can save eri here if you give yourself to me, what do you say, guys?" she taunted, grabbing eri and placed her over the monster's shoulder.

"DON'T DO IT GUYS, DON'T DO IT. I'M GOING TO DIE. SHE'S BRINGING ME TO A HOOK," eri tried to escape the monster's grip by clicking her keyboard rapidly only to fail when minjee latched her on a hook.

"NOOOO!" she dramatically screamed before fake crying. "farewell friends for i, jo eri, would not be able to escapeth the hooketh this terrible creature hooked me in," she narrated in shakespearan, which sounded ridiculous as she failed miserably.

"oh my god, the wannabe-shakespearan made a comeback," jimin sighed in disappointment. "hey! what's so bad about speaking in the shakespearan language?" eri grumbled. minjee could feel her pouting from the other line.

the game continued for another ten minutes before it finally came to an end. jimin and eri unsuccessfully lived whilst jungkook's character was on the verge of dying but he pushed through and clutched the game — making the survivors get a win.

she didn't even want to win. she just wanted to mess with her friends.

minjee leaned back against her gaming chair and heaved out an exhausted sigh, enjoying tonight's game night with her close friends. they played plenty of games but it felt kind of empty since kim taehyung wasn't able to play.

they were a team of five, so playing with only four members felt relatively different.

the clock strikes nine pm and it was the time where minjee usually ends her stream. she needed a break for her pair of eyes and let her PC rest as it was starting to heat up a lot.

she exited the game and made her stream focus on her webcam. the comments moving fast from the screen and she needed to skim swiftly to read some of them, eventually saying her final goodbyes and waved at the camera, smiling.

her cursor hovered above the 'end live' button and she clicked it.

a/n; this was so random lmao—

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