chapter 58.

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jeon jungkook blinked as he stared at her in disbelief, secretly pinching himself on the arm to ensure he wasn't imagining things. choi minjee stood before him dressed in winter attire, a warm beige coat, a black turtleneck, jeans, and boots. her hair was all over the place due to the wind but that didn't make her any less attractive.

on the other hand, minjee was surprised when she came face to face with the male. she knew he was going to come since that was what jimin had said, but she was still surprised.

after not meeting for two weeks, she wasn't sure how to behave which was really lame of her. choi minjee opened her mouth to speak, but jungkook beats her to it. "'s really you, right?"

his question made her stare at him dumbfounded. it was a very strange question to ask after meeting for the first time in weeks, but she nodded her head regardless. the male heaved a breathy sigh.

in a flash, minjee found herself being bombarded with loads of questions coming out of the male's mouth, words never seemed to stop as if he was rapping them out on the spot. from all those questions he asked, all she was able to obtain was, "why didn't you answer any of my texts and calls? didn't you know how worried i was? i thought something bad happened to you!"

by then, jungkook had locked the young woman in place with his muscular hands, preventing her from escaping (not like she was going to anyway) he was afraid that this was all just a fragment of his imagination. he doesn't want that to happen for a second time.

jeon jungkook's intimidating glare was staring straight at hers, resulting her to shiver from the intensity his eyes held. she opened her mouth to speak with a hint of reluctance available, "i... purposely ignored them," she murmured.


his grip loosened but minjee still stood at the same spot, looking elsewhere but him. she was prepared to see his reaction of her ignoring his messages which she rarely does, but for the sake of her surprise she had to do it. taehyung urged her to. she was reluctant at first but eventually agreed.

"you ignored me... on purpose?" jungkook's voice decreased and minjee swore she could hear a faint sadness to it. "don't do that."

with a shake of her body, the girl averted her gaze back to his as they made eye contact for a few seconds. "don't do that again," he repeated, "what if something important came up? will you be there or ignore me? on purpose?"

"it was a one-time thing. i won't do it again i promise. i was only trying to surprise you," she tried to reason but it didn't help with the constant revolts from the boy.

"still! you could have at least told me you were busy and fine so i would be rest assured!" jungkook opposed. "you know how much i care about you, so tell me beforehand. none of the guys would even tell me if you were going to come today and i had to find out myself after meeting you here!"

with each word, his voice appeared to rise even higher than before and minjee had to signal him to calm down so they wouldn't cause a scene. for a stranger's point of view, it may look like a couple's quarrel, which is half true.

nonetheless, jungkook ignored her warnings and continued to argue. some people have silently begun watching them and the girl could see their judging stares from the corner of her eye. it looked like jungkook was the villain here from how he was caging minjee and kept sprouting words at her. once again, she tried to calm him down but to no avail.

"—was that why hobi hyung was acting weird at the car as if he was trying to hide something? not only him but also the rest—!" jungkook was cut off when he felt a pair of lips landing on his own. it took him a few seconds to register what was going on.

he unconsciously placed a hand on the side of minjee's waist after she pulled away. the duo spent a few seconds (which felt like an eternity) staring at each other, with jungkook's stunned expression and minjee's flustered one. it was as if time had slowed down and the only people left were them. the people who were watching vanished in an instant.

"did you just..."

"i-it was the only way to shut you up," she quietly muttered, looking down but soon felt a finger on her chin making her look back up. minjee backed away a little, "don't come closer because my heart will explode."

hearing this only made the male move closer, their noses brushing each other. "isn't that asking for me to come closer?"

despite not having the ability to blush, choi minjee's heart was racing so fast she was sure she could win against lightning mcqueen in a race.

a/n; this story is coming to an end. next chapter is going to be the last.

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