chapter 49.

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how did it come to this?

jungkook was sure he won't be seeing the young girl again after what she told him but here he was in a coffee shop the next day on christmas with the girl sitting across him sipping on her hot chocolate with a satisfied smile on her face.

he silently stared at her, waiting for her to talk and explain what happened last night but the girl had been giving her hot chocolate that he bought for her as her first priority.

jungkook coughed lightly in an attempt to catch her attention but to no avail. he cleared his throat this time, but still, no response. he coughed and cleared his throat next. finally, she looked at him.

"what?" she asked.

"aren't you going to explain to me?" he raised an eyebrow and leaned back against the sofa.

"what do you want me to explain? isn't yesterday enough explanation for you?" she questioned, blowing on her steaming hot beverage.

"i bought you a hot chocolate so you could explain to me further," jungkook sighed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"hey, it's not my fault you offered to pay for my hot chocolate. i didn't ask for it," she defended, "besides, what more should i say after telling you about my sister who also happened to be the love of your life?" she sipped on her drink again.

jungkook bit his bottom lip as he stared at minjee's younger sister — he came to know that her name was choi minju — before averting his gaze out the large window beside him. he watched as the snowflakes fall from the bright blue sky and it gave him some sort of peace despite the loud chatters from people around the shop.

who would have guessed he would meet minju when he was taking a nice stroll yesterday? cuz he wouldn't. (but the author would)

if he found minju hanging around the old playground, that would only mean minjee's house was probably nearby. minju couldn't have got that far away from home on a cold snowy night, adding the fact that it was really late for teenagers her age to still be outside.

meeting choi minjee wouldn't be impossible now. jungkook had initially thought she lived pretty far away somewhere in busan considering it was a big city, but she was a lot closer than he imagined.

"why are you smiling like that?" a feminine voice interrupted him from his thoughts as he turned to look at minju only to see her frowning curiously. "you're thinking about my sister, are you?"

a minor blush rose on the older male's cheeks as he looked away in fluster. minju grinned at the sight, finding it quite adorable for him to act this way since it reminded her of her own boyfriend who would do the same when he's embarrassed.

"...uhm, why were you out so late last night by the way? at an abandoned playground? i-isn't that scary?" jungkook tried changing the subject. the male got too shy he ended up covering half of his face with his elbow to prevent anyone from seeing his reddened cheeks.

"hm? oh, i was waiting for my boyfriend. the one when i asked if you've seen a boy wearing a yellow beanie? we were supposed to meet up there, but then i met you," she shrugged and took a sip, "don't worry though, i found him waiting on the bench after we talked."

jungkook nodded and hummed. he tapped his fingers on the wooden table in a rhythmic pattern. looking back, he did remember seeing a teenage boy in a yellow beanie walking down the street last night. it so happened to be that boy who tripped over a pile of snow falling face first. jungkook wondered if that teen was actually minju's boyfriend. that's funny.

"i'm guessing your house is nearby?" he proceeded.

minju stared at him from under her eyelashes, "why? are you planning to visit? sorry but unnie had gone to grandma's house this morning. i'm not sure when she'll be back."

hearing this, jungkook sulked. guess he would have to wait a bit longer to see minjee again. he was already lovesick that thinking about this was making him crazy.

"why don't you text her?" minju suggested, pointing at his phone on the table. "if you miss her, text her. or call her, i don't know."

at the same time, her phone lit up from an incoming call from a user named, "hoonie <3". minju answered the call, nodding a few times while smiling before it ended. she then stood up from her seat and packed her belongings. "i got to go now. it was nice meeting you! don't forget to text her, future brother-in-law!"

with that, the girl waved a final goodbye and left him at the coffee shop. jungkook heaved out a sigh while looking down at his phone. he didn't mean to peep, but he saw the contact name minju had given to her boyfriend and it made him contemplate whether to do the same or not.

they weren't a couple yet, but that wouldn't stop him from giving cute nicknames to someone he likes, right?

after a lot of debating in his head, his fingers began tapping the screen swiftly as he renamed minjee's contact name on his phone before sending her a quick text.

sent, 08:11 AM.

unfortunately, he needed to wait until she'll reply :( sad.

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