chapter 31.

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the arcade.

it was a 'must do' in jungkook and minjee's list. there won't be a day where they went to the mall and not go to the arcade after exploring or shopping. the gaming area was located on the third floor, two floors away from the cinema that was on the highest level.

the two streamers were currently battling with each other on a racing game, completely concentrated on the screen before them. they have connected both machines so they can be on a race together and not separated.

upon their arrival at the arcade, they agreed to try the sports games first like the basketball game and the air hockey before moving on to the slot and pinball machines. they even tried the DDR machine where they needed to step on the arrows accordingly to the beat of the chosen song.

at the top corner of the screen, minjee was on fourth place while jungkook was on third, their vehicles barely grazing each other as the girl tried to smash her car with his. jungkook being the competitive person he was, dodged her car expertly while spinning the wheel.

it was such an advantage that he could drive but she couldn't yet.

she does know the basics of the car from playing at the arcade ever since she was a child and how her parents made her take lessons on how to drive when she was only sixteen, of course with adult supervision.

the race was coming to an end as she could see the finish line in the distance. jungkook's car was detected and she stepped on the accelerator to drive past him. however, the car wouldn't speed up and this made her whine, "what the— it won't let me—"

before she knew it, she already crossed the finish line with her being on third place as one racer bot passed by without her knowing. jungkook stood up and brought his arms up in victory, getting first place.

he glanced at minjee who slumped on the seat, heaving a deep sigh. third place isn't that bad, she thought, at least it's better than being last. jungkook snickered seeing her figure sliding down against the chair, her hair getting messed up from the friction.

"that thing is broken," she complained, pointing at the accelerator under the machine, beside her boots. just in case no one noticed yet, even though she knew the basics on how to drive a car, she doesn't know the name of the pedals that cars have.

she only knew that there were the moving pedal, the stopping pedal, and one more pedal but she forgot what it was used for.

"you mean the gas? the accelerator?" the male chuckled, shaking his head back and forth as he scanned the arcade, attempting to find another game to play. his eyes caught something at the back and his expression brightened up.

jungkook took minjee's wrist and forced her to stand up from her position, grabbing their bags and pulling her towards the photo booth.

"choose one," he nudged his head forward at the four photo booths: red, pink, blue, and yellow. each booth has a different polaroid design and jungkook was contemplating on what design he should choose.

they can only do one booth since their card only has little money left inside. minjee stared at the blue photo booth, the exterior was simple and cute. she prefers to have her polaroid pictures not too crowded with stickers and designs.

jungkook noticed this so he pulled her towards the blue photo booth, holding onto her shoulders and pushing her down on the seat before he settled beside her. the booth was pretty small for two people so their thighs were touching.

he moved forward to slide his card on the scanner and pressed a button to start the photo countdown. a robotic voice started counting down after the button was pressed.

"3... 2... 1..."

jungkook made a simple peace sign, scrunching his nose while minjee only did a simple grin, tilting her head a bit towards his direction so it looked like their heads were touching.


and the first picture was taken. the machine automatically started processing the image before the same robotic voice was heard. this time, jungkook boldly slung his arm over minjee's shoulder which caught the girl off guard.


he smiled cheekily at the result, seeing the surprised expression she made which looked silly and adorable at the same time. the booth allowed three pictures to be taken and will be printed into a vertical polaroid.

so when the robotic voice was heard for the third time, minjee placed her hands on his head and ruffled his hair, making a mess of his once perfectly styled hair. this earned a whine from jungkook.


and the third picture was taken.

"what did you do that for?" he spoke with a pout on his lips, looking precious and adorable for a twenty-two-year-old man. "now the final picture will look weird."

"for revenge," minjee chortled, standing up from her seat and exited the booth before going to the side, waiting for the polaroid picture to be complete. she crouched on the floor, eyes locked on the slot.

jungkook came out of the booth seconds after while he fixed his hair, looking down at minjee who was patiently waiting for the picture to come out and once it did, she took it and stared at the picture.

for sure the one above was the normal-looking one. the one in the middle was cute and she was flustered remembering his arm around her. he was smiling from ear to ear on the second picture, and she shyly smiled to herself. the third and final one looked chaotic, symbolizing the chaotic duo.

fortunately, the machine printed two copies of the picture so she gave one to jungkook. he was beaming at the picture. "we look cute," he grinned, placing the polaroid safely into the pocket of his bag. hopefully, it wouldn't crumple.

minjee's phone suddenly went off, indicating a text message from someone. she checked to see who it was and kim taehyung's name was on her screen.

the decorations are finished
and everything is ready. you
can bring him home now :)

a/n; i'm going to update twice since it is jungkook's bday today <3 happy birthday to our bunny!

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