chapter 20.

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the evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. the slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky before finally going below the horizon, the night sky now glowing with bright city lights.

one pale crescent moon slowly rose from the east as stars began filling the darkness above, beautiful to the eyes of the people around the world — at least to those whose sceneries were dark as well.

two well-known streamers walked side by side towards the girl's apartment, which wasn't that far away from the café and park. the boy, however, has to walk a few kilometers to reach his house.

the entrance to choi minjee's apartment could be seen from where they stood and jungkook frowned, noticing his time with his crush will soon come to an end. they could still text each other and arrange another meeting. the thought made him smile.

minjee suddenly came to a stop before turning her body around to face jungkook, who was smiling like a complete idiot. seeing this, she puffed her cheeks out, "you're that happy to leave, huh?"

the boy raised his eyebrows out in panic before shaking his head back and forth, denying her words. "i was thinking about other things. i enjoyed hanging out with you today! don't misunderstand," he placed his palms together in front of him.

minjee smiled, "i was just playing with you. don't take it too seriously, okay?"

she then bent her head down slightly, silently thanking him for persuading her to hang out even though they had met in an unexpected situation. "i also had fun today by the way."

"let's do this again next time?" jungkook queried, leaving the girl speechless for a few seconds before she eventually nodded. she did enjoy his company and it won't hurt if she met up with him again.

minjee was an indoor person but that was mostly because she preferred playing games at home and also the fact that her roommate would always be out to either go to her part-time job or hang out with her boyfriend, leaving her alone.

now that jeon jungkook appeared into her life... she wanted to try stepping out of her comfort zone once in a while.

"mhm," minjee hummed and nodded. this made the male smile even brighter. she started walking backwards while waving her hand, occasionally looking behind her to make sure she won't trip.

jungkook shook his head at her actions before shouting, "walk properly or you'll fall!" he cupped his mouth with his hands, creating a temporary megaphone. hearing this, minjee gave him a thumbs up before appropriately walked towards the apartment lobby.

when she looked behind her again, she saw jungkook's silhouette still waving her goodbye, making sure she entered safely. his figure getting smaller and smaller. minjee turned back around and pressed the top button of the elevator.

upon arriving at her apartment room number, she saw a slim-looking figure standing in front of the door, blocking her entry.

the girl's dark brown hair reaches her shoulder blades in a layered hairstyle. she wore a short boney-white knitted dress with short sleeves. she looked fashionable, enough to be called a model but not enough to walk on the stage. minjee calculated she was about the same height as her.

"excuse me...?" she trailed off, catching the girl's attention before turning around. when choi minjee saw her face completely, a short gasp escaped her lips.

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