chapter 09.

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it has been approximately two months since minjee made two new friends: jungkook and eri. she knew jungkook from twitch before but never interacted with him, meanwhile, jo eri was a girl who just started joining twitch not too long ago.

she had said that she only streamed for fun but never expected her channel to grow and was soon known by most of the people from the gaming community. being friends with both of them has made minjee's channel grow a lot more and there have been a couple of demands regarding her face reveal.

choi minjee has been gaming for a good amount of time faceless, but reading comments about what she looked like has been stuck in her mind for a week. she wanted to do it considering she has been quite confident with the camera for the past four years. maybe it is time to do a reveal...

when she met jimin and taehyung for the first time, they had told her to not pressure herself and go with what she wanted to do. and then meeting jungkook and eri, they both said the same thing to her.

but she couldn't ignore the fact that when she saw jeon jungkook's face for the first time, a sense of familiarity washed over her. those eyes — dark and doe eyes — were so similar that she swore she saw him somewhere but her mind couldn't recall when.


jungkook was nervous.

he sat on his bed, his phone in front of him as he continued staring at the non-living object for five minutes as if it had grown a head and a body. he has been having an internal battle with his brain to just do a simple thing such as texting.

but he was trying to text her, the girl jimin and taehyung introduced. jungkook was intrigued. just by listening to her voice was enough for him to gain interest in the girl — he had never gained interest in any girl.

except for celebrities, but that was only an admiration.

he had been contemplating whether it was a good idea to text her. when jungkook asked for information regarding her from taehyung, he had said to ask jimin instead since he knows little of her. so he asked jimin next.

the male had informed that she was a social introvert. never associated with other people but is trying to get out of her shell. surely, being a streamer made her gain confidence as she is speaking to a lot of people; her subscribers.

all jungkook wanted was to invite her to play a game with him to play together but his nervousness got the best of him. not only was he interested in her voice, but the way she played games was very unique. her own style managed to make the team win when they played overwatch the first time.

man up, jeon jungkook!

gritting his teeth, he swiftly picked up his phone and scrolled through his messages to find her contact name, not caring anymore.

with a messed-up mind, his fingers made him type in a simple "hey" before clicking send. he then turned his phone off and placed it on the table face down, not realizing it autocorrected to "hoe".

the male took a deep breath before deciding to go on a short live and interact with his subscribers.

a/n; if you have any ideas to make this story entertaining please tell me! i'll consider it when i'm having writer's block haha.

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