chapter 33.

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just as minjee thought the surprise birthday party was for jungkook, she was also surprised to see min yoongi standing a few feet away from her. it has been so long since she met him. she anticipated meeting him one day but she never expected it to be this soon.

and just as she thought no more surprises would come her way, the doorbell rang for a second time from the door. she stood still, watching hoseok approaching the door and opening it.

another tall-looking man appeared, his figure almost as tall and muscular as jungkook and taehyung combined, and he got soft features as well. his broad shoulders making an appearance that minjee was sure it was as wide as the pacific ocean.

he was wearing a turquoise-colored sweatshirt paired with black sweats and white sneakers. his chocolate brown hair parted to reveal his forehead.

the man went inside after hoseok opened the door wider, cramming the place even more but he wasn't alone — there were two girls behind him. one of them he tightly held her hand with his while the other girl just stood behind the couple silently third-wheeling.

when minjee registered who they were, she released a loud gasp, catching the attention of everyone in the room and the two familiar-looking girls. "what the heck are you guys doing here?" she pointed at her roommate and her cousin.

yoona stared at minjee with wide eyes and blinked, "wait— jin, you told me we were going to your friend's party?" she turned her head to look at her boyfriend before looking at her roommate.

"we are— it's jungkook's birthday party. anyway, JUNGKOOK HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" jin strided towards the said male before engulfing him with a hug, patting his back multiple times. "jin hyung," jungkook muttered his name before hugging him back, feeling happy to meet his hyung.

while the others were cooing over the two males' reunion, minjee averted her gaze to her roommate and cousin once again. "you still didn't tell me why you're here," she questioned, arching her eyebrow as she waited for yoona's answer.

"well jin just told me we were going to a party but i didn't know you would be here too!" she explained but quickly shook her head back and forth, her lips curled upwards into a smile, "but since you're here, we can have fun together!"

she grabbed minjee and ara's arms and pulled them towards her, forcing them into a group hug and squealed. the high pitch of her squeal almost making her go deaf. "also ara decided to tag along because she felt like a lonely bitch at the apartment when i told her you weren't there."

"hey!" the said girl protested, unconsciously pouting at her true statement. i thought we came to an agreement to not tell her that, ara thought before pushing herself off the hug and crossed her arms, sulking.

"she's a simp for you."

"am not," ara huffed, looking away from the two girls. minjee looked down towards their outfits and noticed that they weren't really party-like. with jeans and a red cropped cardigan for ara and some sweats for yoona. "you guys don't look like you're going to a party though."

yoona looked down at her outfit choice, finding it pretty cute and comfortable. "well yeah. don't tell anyone but we actually came for the food only—"


upon hearing her name from another voice, the girl turned around and spotted yoongi standing behind her, a prominent smile plastered on his face and this made her smile too. he didn't look any different, still the same pale and handsome guy. she guessed people like him were aging backwards.

the male opened his arms, inviting her in for a hug and minjee immediately lunged at him, making him step back a little from the force. her arms were around his waist as he buried his face at the pit of her neck. not noticing a particular someone was glaring at them from afar.

her little moment with yoongi was cut short when another voice decided to join in. "MINJEE!" the voice shouted, forcing her to detach herself from yoongi as she was met with her online best friend, eri, holding her shoulders in place.

"OH MY GOD, IT'S REALLY YOU AND YOU LOOK EVEN PRETTIER IN REAL LIFE!?" eri began shaking the girl back and forth in excitement. minjee started feeling a little dizzy from the action as she tapped her hands for her to let go.

"is everyone a simp for minjee what the fuck," taehyung remarked from the kitchen counter, cutting a slice of cake and earning a slap on the head from jimin. "you bitch, we haven't sing happy birthday yet and you're already cutting the DAMN CAKE?!"

noticing this, everyone began gathering around the birthday boy, who looked like he was half happy and half lifeless. minjee wasn't sure what happened to him as he was doing fine a few minutes ago but nonetheless sang the birthday song, clapping her hands in rhythm as everyone followed.

when jungkook finally blew the candle at the almost half-ruined cake, taehyung sheepishly resumed his slicing and placed his piece on a plastic plate, grabbing a spoon before devouring it with a satisfied hum.

the people here started doing their own thing; eating, playing games, or even turning on the karaoke machine hoseok got for this special occasion. among the chaos that was happening, from minjee's peripheral view she spotted the birthday boy leaving the house and out to the backyard.

since everyone was occupied with their own thing, they didn't notice the girl slipping out from the crowd and following behind jungkook who was sitting down at the edge of the pool, his feet dangling in the water — yes, they have a swimming pool.

his head was tilted upwards as he looked up at the brilliantly red and orange sky, giving his face aglow with the last orange rays. he was cherishing the beautiful moment as minjee moved closer so that he felt her presence; but still stayed quiet, allowing him to stay lost in the moment longer.

she eventually sat beside him by the pool, letting her feet soak in the cold water, the sun going down at an awfully slow pace towards the horizon — there's nothing like a beautiful sunset to end a healthy day.

a/n; an update!

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