chapter 40.

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"so jaykay dragged me to the salon yesterday," minjee spoke to the mic as she adjusted her headphones, not minding the boy who sat on the floor by the bed, his figure visible on camera but only his upper half. "we decided to go to the hair salon since none of us knew how to bleach hair."

it had been a few weeks since they discussed about dying their hair and jungkook decided it would be an incredible idea to do it as soon as possible.

he quoted, 'i want to look cool like rapper porrnesian parrrapio!' and when the boy is determined about something, he will get it until he's satisfied.

sitting down on the floor he watched choi minjee interact with her viewers about her current life and how she had been doing made him gaze at her in a certain way anyone could tell what he was feeling through those deep ebony eyes of his.

her now longer dark brown hair flowed smoothly across her shoulders, the light from the room reflecting the hair's shine. somehow, in his eyes, she looked a lot more beautiful with darker hair as it expressed her features better.

from a viewer's perspective, they could see the way jungkook was staring at the girl with utmost admiration, not seemingly having any thoughts to avert his gaze elsewhere. that was until minjee looked down at him and made eye contact.

"what?" she polled, earning a confused look from jungkook. "everyone's saying you keep staring. stop that," she internally blushed and turned away. not even half a minute have passed when minjee turned to him again and reached a hand out to ruffle his newly dyed hair.

jungkook lets her do her thing, closing his eyes at the short moment of affection she offered.

"purple hair," she notified and looked at her computer screen. "it looks great on him, right guys?"

"your hair looks good too. it suits you," the male complimented, sitting on his knees as he pats her head while leading forward to scan the numerous comments flashing on the screen. "let's do a short qna."


"yep. you never did those before?" jungkook turned his head to look at her and realized how close they were. he badly wanted to kiss her right then and there but because of the livestream, he'll minimize his actions. besides, he was still courting her so he doesn't want to rush.

"what do you think of jungkook?" minjee read out a comment before staring at the said male as if it could help her answer the question. she started to think. "i think... he's very handsome."

jungkook tried to hold his smile.

she continued to read out more. "'tell us your most recent lie' what i said just now about jungkook being handsome," she joked and the male's smile faltered as he widened his eyes in disbelief.

seconds later, they were wriggling on the floor, tickling each other. with jungkook demanding an apology and he won't let her go until he got what he wants. to his dismay, the girl won't give in so easily so he continued with his harmless attacks. the room was filled with laughter and giggles. at one point, they completely forgot about the livestream.

minjee struggled to get back on her chair as her mind was filled with the scene a few seconds ago. she couldn't seem to stop the giggles from escaping her mouth. jungkook was no better. he struggled to sit straight from the number of laughs and giggles he emitted before paying attention to the stream again.

"'when is your birthday?' june thirteen," the girl proceeded to answer more questions while taking a few glances at the boy from the screen who was currently playing with her fingers.

"'any tips on how to keep your shoes clean?' well, take very good care of them. the secret is to be like me and never leave the house and never use them. that's why they don't look used," she nodded, seemingly proud of her answer, and jungkook playfully rolled his eyes.

"my first crush?" she reads.

hearing this, jungkook's ears perked up as he looked up at her. his face was blank as he impatiently waited for her to respond. for some reason, he didn't like the idea of minjee telling a story about her first crush but it faded when he realized he didn't have anything to be jealous about. the present day was what matters and jungkook was courting her now so sucks for whoever the person she liked back then to never get the chance to get into a relationship with her (if they happen to like her back)

"it was in elementary school. he was nice enough to lend me a pencil during an exam," she explained, reminiscing the memory about a boy who looked really cute when he grinned. if she remembered correctly he had two big front teeth. "i forgot his name though."

a soft tug snapped her out of her thoughts as she looked down at the visibly annoyed boy. "are you seriously talking about your elementary crush on stream and in front of me?"


"minjee..." he frowned. "what if i were to talk to about my then-crush too, hm?" he challenged.

"then do it?" she stated but it sounded more like a question. "tell me."

jungkook didn't know what to say. how was he supposed to tell her that he didn't have one throughout his high school life since he was so focused on his studies? although, he kind of regretted not enjoying it to the fullest since he became a gamer at the end. all of his efforts of getting good grades on every subject (except english) went down the drain as it wasn't used appropriately. but could he back out now? no. he loved his job as a full-time streamer and if he wasn't a streamer to begin with, he would have never met choi minjee and catch romantic feelings.

so instead he replied with, "does a celebrity crush count?"

minjee playfully pushed his beautiful face away as jungkook dramatically fell on the floor, disappearing out of view on the screen.

she rolled her eyes and stood up, "i'm gonna make coffee. you want one?" she inquired and hovered above his figure. the male shook his head.

once she left the room, jungkook sat back up and averted his gaze towards the stream, his head popping out from the bottom of the screen. he decided to sit down on minjee's gaming chair and took over her live for a few minutes while waiting for her return. while doing so, he interacted with her chat and it was enjoyable.

"minjee is taking her sweet time," he sighed and leaned back against the chair. "ask me something, chat."

not long after, the comments bombarded him with a ton of questions and most of them were spam of the custom twitch emotes minjee customized. one particular question caught his eyes,

"'how much would you pay to date minjee?'"

a/n; happy forty chapters!

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