chapter 51.

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he was sitting on the couch upside down. with his upper body on the cushion and legs against the backrest, park jimin kicked the air in frustration earning the judging eyes of his platonic soulmate's attention, kim taehyung, who had just entered the living room.

"what are you doing?"

jimin only grumbled in response with a frown on his face as he averted his gaze towards the ceiling, a visible pout placed on his plump lips. "nothing..." he lazily uttered.

taehyung raised an eyebrow in suspicion. it doesn't exactly look like a 'nothing' to him. he knew something was bothering his friend so he crossed his arms and heaved a deep sigh. the sound somehow made jimin mutter out, "i want to tell her but how do i do it without her hating me?"

"her who?"

jimin gave taehyung a side glance as if he was communicating through his eyes, telling him about the person he was implying and it took the latter a couple of seconds to understand. he wasn't sure what to feel about it. he had mixed feelings. what kind of sick plan has the world made to make two men fall for the same person?

well one of them would have to let go of her and that man would be kim taehyung. the male bit his lip as he stared at jimin who was still hanging upside down on the couch, his dirty blonde hair being a mess from the way he slumped.

taehyung turned around and walked towards the kitchen to make his morning hot chocolate for the winter season. since the living room and kitchen had an open doorway, it enabled him to still talk to jimin despite them being in different rooms.

"why don't you just tell her then?" he suggested.

hearing this, jimin snapped his head to the side as he stared at taehyung's back figure in surprise. "are you crazy? did you forget how much she hates me?"

"did you forget how close you two were that she didn't even mind having your arm around her?" he stated, looking over his shoulder and made eye contact with the libra man before turning back around to resume his work. "if she hated you, she would have minded."

the atmosphere had gotten heavy and the aura was something jimin found uncomfortable. he propped his elbow on the couch and pushed himself up, his eyes still trained on his friend's back who suddenly muttered a curse word as he shook his head side to side.

"ah shit, why did i make coffee... i don't even like coffee?" taehyung scoffed. he got distracted with the previous situation he ended up putting coffee powder instead of cocoa powder.

"don't throw it away, i'll drink it," jimin spoke after seeing him walking over to the sink to throw the unfinished beverage away. once taehyung placed the coffee back on the counter, jimin spoke again, "so you're basically telling me to confess straightforwardly to her?"

confess. how taehyung hated the thought of jimin confessing his feelings to eri. it made him grit his teeth in annoyance but he held back, not wanting his low temper to cause a scene. "..just text her or something," he grumbled, not having the strength to continue the conversation any further.

"why not tell her in person?"

"do you have the guts to tell her in person?"


"then text her," taehyung deadpanned. his frustration going out the drain after he took a sip of his hot chocolate, calming him down. hot chocolate was much better than coffee and no one can tell him otherwise.

meanwhile, jimin thought about his words. should he tell her how he feels about her through text? he had never had any problems confessing before but with jo eri, it seemed a hundred times more difficult. he could feel his heart beating fast at the thought of her accepting him, which would honestly be a surprise for him.

jimin and eri had a love-hate relationship going on. they would often fight like cats and dogs, but other times they would be friendly with each other. he didn't know why but they had been like this since they met in high school.

the male ruffled his hair at the thought of going out with his frenemy as his cheeks turned a shade of red. he grabbed his phone from the coffee table and scrolled through his contacts in search of her name.

as soon as jimin found her name on his phone, he clicked the message icon and started typing out his message nervously. he could only hope it would go well.

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