chapter 29.

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why do i have to be the one
distracting him?

you're the closest to him so
it only makes sense, duh.

idk if i should feel offended
or not.

and what are you guys
gonna do?

we're going to decorate the place
a bit. i told hoseok about it and
he agreed to help us.

he'll be bringing his friends too
but that's not the point right now.
the important thing is we need to
finish before you guys come back.

yup! don't forget to bring
your pajamas folks

i still can't believe we're going
to have a wholeass sleepover at
his house, that's crazy.

well we are crazy so adding a
bit more wouldn't hurt 😋

this will be the first time we'll
meet minjee and we're going
to force her to sleepover with us—


i'll just try to blend in and forget
about the fact that it's gonna be
our first meeting.

we have known each other
for months anyway.

yall forgetting that we're going
to sleep under the same roof with
strangers hoseok invited 💀

they're not strangers, they're his
friends and we can be friends
with them too.

that way it won't be awkward.

who knows maybe they'll join
our circle and we'll all be best
friends 👀

easy for you to say, you're a
whole extrovert while i'm an
extrovert introvert.


haha. anyways minjee are
you ready? you told him to
meet up today, right?

yep. i'm leaving now.
see you guys soon!

minjee wasn't sure what to feel about this situation. excited? nervous? she couldn't imagine that she would be meeting her online friends in person and that she would meet jungkook again. both of them did hang out a few more times after their first meeting.

just thinking about seeing him again made her giddy. her digital alarm clock read nine twenty-seven. it was still early in the morning and she had informed jungkook about their meeting two days ago to which he agreed in an instant.

their meet-up time will be at ten am arranged at seoul park they went to a few weeks ago. it seemed like the most practical thing to do as it wasn't far from her apartment and his house, right in between.

minjee wore a simple yet comfortable outfit; with her black-colored bolero sweater worn over her grey tee and some mid-washed denim shorts. she threw on some ankle-high black boots, completing the look. her hair was brushed straight down with no hairstyle.

she grabbed her bag from the couch before yelling out an "i'll be going now!" to the still sleepy-looking yoona who just woke up from her sleep, unable to get the chance to ask minjee where she was going as the door slammed in front of her face.

the girl proceeded to walk towards the park, feeling the soft wind flowing against her skin. the blue sky dotted with white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze. the sun shone in between many buildings and trees, creating mysterious shadows.

her eyes caught the familiar-looking entrance of seoul park, watching the few people there, either alone or with somebody. september one, twenty-nineteen was on a sunday which means the park would soon be filled with lots of people.

minjee strides towards a nearby bench. she gazed at some of the people having a morning walk or walking their dogs — it was a peaceful morning indeed. as she waited for jungkook's arrival, she took her phone from her pocket and went to her camera.

she flipped it into the rear option before moving it towards the beautiful scenery of the park. a glimpse of han river could be detected behind the trees she captured. different flowers scattering across the ground adding color to the soft green.

she smiled at the photo and was about to snap another one when all she could see was a broad chest standing in front of her, blocking the view of the park from her phone screen. she frowned, craning her neck upwards only to see a smiling jungkook looking down at her with a soft gaze.

his hands were shoved inside his pockets and that was when minjee noticed his outfit for the day. a grey sweatshirt and denim jeans with a pair of his signature black combat boots. his hair was slightly parted.

it was similar to her clothes — coincidence?

a/n; i think yes.

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