chapter 56.

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"hyung?" jungkook spoke, tugging namjoon's large trench coat as the older male looked at him with a hum. "do you think she'll come?"

namjoon blinked as he averted his gaze at the entrance of namsan tower, watching people walking in and out. most of them had gone back down so he assumed it wasn't going to be too crowded up there. perfect, he thought.

"i'm sure she will kook."

that was all he said, but jungkook was not convinced with the answer. it was nearing midnight already and she still wasn't here. he remembered her telling him that she will go back to seoul soon, but she didn't state when. all he wanted was to see her before the year ended.

with every breath he took, smoke came out of his parted lips from the freezing weather of december. jungkook stuffed his gloved hands inside his coat's pocket as he queued in line. just as it was their turn to scan their cards, namjoon suddenly paused and began patting his coat and jeans.

"ah, i left my phone in my bag. you go ahead first, i'll catch up," he quickly apologized before running back.

"are you going in, sir?" the operator spoke and jungkook looked at him before nodding his head. as he was climbing up the stairs after scanning his card, he looked at the scenery before him and the view was remarkable.

the night was deep, the silvery moon is dotted with the dark blue night sky, and the naughty stars are running around. it was more beautiful because of the soft snow falling from the sky, decorating not only his hair but also everyone else with white dots.

jungkook exhaled and pulled out his phone to capture the view. he wasn't at the top yet, he still needed to climb more steps to get to the cable cars that will take him to the top of the tower, but this height was enough to see the beauty of seoul. he had always been sucker for breathtaking views, and this would go well with his instagram feed.

the male continued to climb after a few minutes of clicking pictures and he wondered why namjoon wasn't here yet. surely, it shouldn't take too long to grab his phone and come back. he guessed his older brother forgot where he placed it so it took longer.

little did he know...

jimin was talking with eri when he heard loud footsteps. he looked over his shoulder and saw a wild namjoon jogging towards them with jungkook nowhere in sight. when namjoon was closer, he asked, "did you do it?"

the silver-haired male only nodded while breathing heavily before slumping back down on the blanket. "yeah. he believed me and is now on the way to the top. did you text her?"

jimin nodded his head. "she said she's there already," he informed, his fingers fiddling with eri's cold ones before he engulfed them with his small-but-larger-than-her hand. the girl was leaning her head against his shoulder as she scrolled through her phone in boredom.

seeing this, namjoon felt single than ever.

back to jeon jungkook, the male had decided to just continue his path to the top of the tower, not preferring to wait for his hyung anymore since he was taking forever to retrieve his phone.

after getting off the cable car, he climbed the stairs a bit more until he was met with a lot of love padlocks by the barriers. he approached them, captivated by the decoration and it made him want to do the same. it would have been so much better if he was here with someone. where the heck is namjoon?

he spotted a small shop at the corner that sells numerous colored locks he was admiring. after contemplating internally whether he should buy one for himself or not, he decided to go with the former.

as he turned and walked towards the shop, his eyes caught sight of a female figure queuing in line as she stomped her foot in a pattern. her back was facing him but jungkook won't mistake anyone's body figure for anything, especially if it's her.

— the girl standing there was his minjee. there was no way he could be wrong.

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