chapter 21.

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"w —what are you doing here?" minjee stammered still gaping at the girl in front of her in disbelief with a hint of confusion as well. her eyebrows were furrowed, curious about her sudden visit without informing in the first place.

the girl smirked, placing her hands in her hips and head tilted up — looking and feeling proud — before flipping her brown hair. minjee found this incredibly foolish but allowed her to do her thing.

"can't i visit my favorite cousin, hm?" the girl raised one of her eyebrows, looking at the blank minjee standing a few feet away before sighing tiredly. minjee proceeded to make her way to the door, passing her now sulking cousin.

"you didn't notify me about your visit..." she muttered, putting the key inside the keyhole and turning it, making a click sound.

"that's because i want it to be a surprise," the girl shrugged and grinned, following behind her and closing the door close. "also i'm gonna be staying here, living under the same roof as you."

"i'm sorry what?" minjee stared at her cousin with a bewildered expression. she's staying here? why? "here, here? like the same apartment? the same room number?"

her cousin sat on the stool beside the island table, watching minjee opening the cabinets to find any food available since she was hungry. she didn't eat much when hanging out with jungkook before as they mostly hung around the hidden park after lunch.

"no, you idiot. i live five doors away from you which technically means i am living on the same roof since it is one building," she informed, propping her elbow on the island and rested her chin on her hand.

now that minjee thought about it, she didn't see any bags nor luggage by the door earlier. her cousin must have had settled in when she was away and wanted to surprise visit her by standing in front of her apartment door.

the sound of keys jingling was heard from outside, signifying someone was about to enter. then the sound of the door being pushed open before it shuts back close. the familiar figure of ahn yoona approached the living room and placed her bag on the couch. she then spotted her roommate and her roommate's cousin in the kitchen.

for your information, the kitchen and the living room were adjoined in one big space.

seeing minjee's cousin made yoona let out a gasp. "ara?! what the— how are you— MINJEE YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THIS WHAT THE FUCK!" she screeched before running towards ara to give her a literal bone-crushing hug, the latter almost falling off the stool.

fun fact, ahn yoona and choi ara went to school together during their high school days and have been close friends since. they parted after they graduate and lost touch with each other. after two whole years, they finally reunited and minjee felt like a third-wheel right now.

"you're suffocating me you bitch," ara managed to squeak out a sentence but yoona ignored her, only tightening her grip around her as the girl started whining. she was then released from the strong embrace. her body a bit painful due to the hug.

not giving ara the time to breathe, yoona suddenly chopped her neck at the side using her hand — an ultimate neck-chopping move she learned from her goofy boyfriend.

"we have a lot to talk about. get your ass on the couch."

a/n; ara will probably be the last character introduced in the story. the female leads are choi minjee, ahn yoona, jo eri, and choi ara. the male leads are the maknae line.

the rest of the bts members will soon be introduced as the story progresses!

and no, she's not an antagonist.

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