chapter 04.

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— coffee shop, busan.

sipping on his warm cup of coffee, jungkook's eyes were trained on his laptop screen. he placed his coffee on the wooden table before moving his mouse, clicking away. his bluetooth earpiece on both ears as he listened to the background music playing from the device.

jungkook is currently editing for his rare GCF video he made in his hometown. he planned to visit his family after not visiting for four months and then he got this tremendous idea to show the beauty of busan.

and now he's editing.

everywhere he went he always carried his camera around, making sure to not miss anything he wanted to film.

jungkook spent a good amount of time in the coffee shop. looking at his wristwatch, he realized he has about three hours left until he goes back to seoul.

tomorrow he will continue with his schedule of streaming. jungkook is a well-known streamer in the gaming community and almost everybody knew him which is why he wore a mask at all times.

fortunately, no one in the coffee shop recognized him. packing his belongings inside his huge bag, he slipped the strap over his shoulder before heading out to the exit — the girl on the counter waving him goodbye while giving him a flirty look.

jungkook paid no attention to her as this specific girl has been disturbing his peace and he felt uneasy. he even found a folded tissue paper with numbers on it — assuming was her number. all he wanted was to wipe the spilled liquid on the table when he forgot to blow his hot coffee and burnt his tongue.

jungkook was bad — no, terrible with girls. ever since high school, he always found couples from his school making out in front of his locker and he was the type to look away from the scene and flee. he found it disgusting and couldn't imagine himself being in their situation.

sharing salivas? thank you, next.

he wasn't interested in relationships and he believes he won't ever be in one until he reaches fifty years old and gets married at a hundred.

but will his thoughts remain the same if he, out-of-nowhere, meets someone that catches his eye soon?

a/n; here is a jungkook pov.
do you prefer jungkook or jeongguk?

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