chapter 48.

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he mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. jungkook was unable to decipher who it was despite her having the same figure as choi minjee. the male hesitated to call out her name, afraid it won't be the person he was expecting.

it seemed as if his stare had caught the girl's attention as she looked around before her doe eyes met his. jungkook had a clear view of her now and the sight made him grin brightly. "minjee!"

he jogged towards the girl while smiling, but it soon faltered when he realized that it wasn't his minjee at all.

"excuse me?" the girl with long wavy brown hair frowned in confusion. she looked younger than him.

"oh, i'm sorry. i thought you were someone else..." jungkook awkwardly bowed in apology and was about to take his leave if it wasn't for the unknown girl to suddenly stand up and grab hold of his wrist, stopping him from moving.

"wait," she started, staring at his face as if she was starstruck from the view but quickly shook her head to get rid of her unnecessary thoughts. "i wanna ask you a question."

hearing this, jungkook looked over his shoulder and at the girl, waiting for her to talk. "this is a bit embarrassing to ask but d-did you happen to see a boy with a yellow beanie when you were heading this way?" she questioned.

jungkook blinked in confusion and shook his head. it was such an odd question to ask a stranger and he was a bit weirded out. the girl's expression wavered and she sighed silently, letting go of his wrist and sitting back down on the swing. "okay. you can go," she sulked.

jungkook, with a confused expression plastered on his face, slowly backed away from the strange girl. as he was about to leave, the girl suddenly called out to him once again. "sir wait! i have another question."

jungkook looked back at her.

"..are you single?" she queried, raising one of her eyebrows and the sudden question caught the male off guard. he squinted his eyes to see if she was joking only to find her serious. jungkook bit his lower lip and turned his body around completely, staring at the girl with an intimidating stare.

"look, i don't want to sound to rude but why are you asking me that question?" his voice had gotten deeper than normal and it made a shiver run down the girl's spine.

"i'm just curious... i don't plan to take you or something..." she awkwardly looked away from his gaze and gulped. "besides, you look like you're in college.. and i'm still in high school. i go for boys my age!" she added.

"then why does it concern you if i'm single or not?"

"uhm well... i'm just asking because... because..." the girl trailed off and it goes on for a few seconds making the male huff in annoyance.

there are two possibilities: one was that she was putting up an act to catch his attention — in which she succeeded. two was that maybe she was genuinely curious about a person's love life and thought it was a good idea to ask a stranger whom she met a few minutes ago about it.

"because what?" jungkook sighed, a little impatient from the way the girl was stalling. he waited for a few more seconds to give her a chance to talk but he couldn't wait any longer. "if you're not gonna say anything, i'm leaving."

just as he turned his body around to leave the area, the girl suddenly yelled out the words she had been trying to say but was embarrassed to do. her cheeks turned into a shade of red as soon as the words slipped out and she immediately covered her mouth with her hand. at the same time, jungkook stared at her in disbelief.

"b-because i want to set you up with my sister!" she had screamed out.

jeon jungkook blinked in surprise. he was honestly speechless of what the young girl had said and it made his brain circuit break. "what?" was the only word that escaped his lips.

"i-i just thought you'll look good with her... she's been single for years and i wanna see her dating again. i'm— oh gosh i'm sorry i shouldn't have said that—" she started babbling but it was shortly cut off when jungkook spoke.

"sorry, but i'm not interested... i already have someone that i like— no, love," he answered before licking his dry lips. the atmosphere has gotten a little awkward for the two of them and none said a word afterward.

the unknown girl nodded her head slowly in understanding and looked down at her boots. she heard light shuffling before the sound of footsteps filled her ears, indicating that jungkook was going. she sighed dejectedly, a little upset because she was unable to find a guy for her older sister. she thought jungkook would be the perfect guy... only if he didn't already love someone else.

the girl wondered who the lucky person was as she pouted a little. the male was insanely good-looking and for a hot second, she wanted him to be family so she can brag to her friends about her stunning brother-in-law. suddenly, a thought crossed her mind as she gasped loudly.

her eyes searched for jungkook and luckily he wasn't too far away from the playground so she ran towards him and called out for him. "sir!"

jungkook sighed quietly hearing the familiar voice behind him. he didn't want to interact with her after their short and strange conversation so he picked up his pace, still hearing her calling for him.

"sir wait! i have another question and this is really important!" he heard her yell out but jungkook being jungkook, he ignored her. "OH COME ON! I'M NOT JOKING. I'M SERIOUS! STOP RUNNING! GOD DAMN IT WHY ARE YOUR LEGS SO LONG??!"

the girl continued to shout whilst complaining at the same time. they were now in a street that sells tons of street food and the people here were watching the scene with judging eyes. jungkook felt embarrassed so he slowly came to a stop at the sidewalk and looked away.

"oh my fucking finally..." panting can be heard from behind him as the girl stopped running, out of breath.

"what do you want now?" jungkook frowned and clenched his jaw. "if it's something about my love life or setting me up with your sister again, i'm not answering you."

"no no. i swear it's not about that!" the girl had her hands on her knees as her chest moved up and down, trying to catch her breath. "actually scratch that, it's sort of about my sister and—"

"i'm leaving," he monotonously spoke and turned around but it seemed as if the girl had magic powers because she was already on the other side, blocking his way from leaving with her arms stretched out sideways as she stared at him with determination in her eyes.

"no but seriously though. this is important!" she complained. "i promise, this is will be the last question i'll ask you and then you can leave and never see me again. deal?"

jungkook whispered something under his breath that the young girl couldn't seem to catch but regardless started speaking after the male nodded and put his attention on her.

with a deep inhale, she spoke,

"if you're not interested in my sister then why did you call me by her name before?"

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