chapter 39.

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answer my call please.
sent, 10:10 AM.

her phone continued to buzz as his name was demonstrated on screen. the text message appearing at the top as she read it from the banner. minjee took her device in hand as she felt the continuous vibration on her palm, creating a rhythmic pattern.

she averted her eyes to her livestream, "jungkook is calling."

right after she said that, her thumb unknowingly tapped on the 'answer' button and she set it on speaker mode so he could be heard by everyone watching.

"minjee," his stern but soft voice was heard through the speaker and the girl responded with a hum, moving the phone closer to the mic. "you know i'm very mad at you for ignoring my messages and ditching me. what happen to the chaotic duo, hm?"

"uh... from what i heard, they are busy right now so i suggest checking them later," she stated, nodding her head as she looked her non-existent wristwatch. "oh look. it's time for me to feed my cat. i guess i have to end the call now—"

"minjee!" judging from his voice, she could tell that jungkook has a pout plastered on his face and this made her giggle at the thought of him doing that on camera. "you don't even have a cat what the heck."

"can we get one?" she joked while looking down at her phone, watching the time counter of their call increasing. jungkook, on the other hand, thought she was serious about it, "you want one? i mean i guess we could but isn't having a pet a lot of responsibi—"

"wait, i was joking," she stopped him before he could continue further. "if i was serious, would you actually get a cat for me?" minjee questioned, confusion visible in her expression and voice as she blinked slowly, waiting for his answer.

"us. i would get a cat, for us," the male corrected her sentence and this made her speechless. she glanced at the chat only to see them spamming about how precious jungkook was.

apart from the comments about their cute relationship, her eyes saw another comment that caught her attention. "hey, someone from chat told me that you look like a member from a band called BTS."

minjee opened google on her PC and type out the group name, which instantly popped up once she typed the letter 'b'. this just proved how famous they were. "you do look like him, woah. are you guys long-lost twins or something?"

"i don't have a twin. i have an older brother though," he enlightened. "what's the famous guy's name?"

the girl read the idol's name under his picture, "justin seagull."

"justin seagull?"

"yeah. BTS is a seven-member boy group which consists of bread genie, baby j, yeon kimin, j-dope, justin seagull, rex, and pornesian parrrapio," minjee informed, pursing her lips at the ridiculous but awesome stage names. "justin seagull looks like you."

jungkook searched his name on the internet, making sure that his screen was shared with the stream so his viewers could see, before scoffing once he saw the idol's face. "i look much better than him," he continued to scroll through BTS' profile. "but pornesian parrrapio hyung looks cool with that purple hair."

the male proceeded to admire the idol, focusing on his facial features as if he was a fanboy. "he looks like namjoon hyung," jungkook laughed, "he's making me want to dye my hair," he sighed, touching the ends of his dark ebony hair. he wanted to try something new for once and explore with hair colors.

"then do it," minjee pushed.

"will you help me with it?" he asked from the phone. "help me dye my hair."

"you're not going to do it in the hair salon?"

"nah. where's the fun in that? what if i make a vlog about me dying my hair, featuring choi minjee?" jungkook suggested, looking at his chat only to see a ton of comments agreeing. "a brilliant idea right guys? i know i'm smart," the male patted himself on the shoulder.

"i don't know how to bleach hair," minjee uttered, already imagining the errors and failures throughout the entire bleaching process. she was afraid she would mess up and her messing up only implies it would mess up jungkook's hair too.

"but you dyed your hair and it looks fine," he wailed. minjee grabbed the ends of her now longer blonde hair. the ends were a little dry since she had this color for a few months now. her roots were growing as well and she could practically be compared with that one haikyuu character.

"that's because i had it done in the salon—"

"you should dye your hair too. accompany me," jungkook suggested, smiling at his computer screen at the sight of his crush being extremely cute for no reason, she wasn't even doing anything. her small gestures just made him feel weak to the knees.

minjee sighed, "fine."

her hair does need a little break.

a/n; thank you for 4K+ views and 400+ votes. i'm crying idek why you guys are reading this T—T

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