chapter 24.

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JUNGKOOK has requested to voice call you!


"why in the h-e-double hockey stick is he calling me now— what do i do?" her thumb hovered over the screen for a while but out of panic, she tapped on 'answer' and their calls were now connected. she cursed herself in the head and swallowed dryly.

"hello?" his soft voice was heard through her earphones. she fidgeted on her bed, trying to look as calm as possible but she knew she was the total opposite as if he could see her through the call.

"hi," she cleared her throat. regretting not taking a glass of water before coming to her room.

"were you debating whether to answer my call or not?" jungkook softly chuckled at the end of his sentence. he figured me out, she thought, but her mouth gave a response that was different, "no."

"mhm, sure sureee whatever you say, minjee," he teased. she could basically feel him smiling through the phone, his bunny grin making an appearance for no one in specific as he was in his room alone.

not only was she nervous around him, considering they just met in person today and now he was calling her on the phone a few hours later just to keep her entertained and out of boredom, but he too was also nervous.

he felt shivers running down his spine when she started talking, as if she was right beside him, next to his ear, talking to him. her voice was so close that he was sure he could feel his heart beating through the earphones he wore. it was different compared to when they played video games.

jeon jungkook could get used to this.

"why did you call me out of no where?" she questioned. eyes locking on the piece of string from her blanket. she twirled the string around her index finger, watching it go in a loop before coming to a snap! when she tugged on it.

"minjee, i called you, to talk to you," he laughed lowly. "didn't you say you want me to keep you entertained?"

minjee drummed her fingers on her thigh, biting her bottom lip as she registered his words. the sound of his breathing could be heard as she had set it on a high volume, but not maximum. it was like he heard her untold messages, then keep entertaining me.


"oh? just, oh?"

"what do you want me to say? thank you?"

"actually i do. say that to me please." minjee could feel him smirking from the other line and this made her playfully roll her eyes, a smile appeared on her lips. "thank you."

she swore she could hear a squeak coming from his throat. jungkook was fanboying in his room and he was glad that his roommate, hoseok, wasn't here at the moment but was currently chilling on the couch, watching a movie he wasn't interested in.

it was a sunday night so hoseok didn't need to go to the dance studio and he could relax for a day before going back to work the next day. this also meant minjee and jungkook were going to stream tomorrow, creating video sources of entertainment for their viewers as it is their job.

"i am happy today," he spoke, finally calming down after his short session. the girl nodded at his remark, then realizing he couldn't see her so she hummed in response. "really happy?" she asked.



"because i get to see you today," he confessed, snickering when he got no response from her. that was because minjee was not working properly after what he said. there's the bold jungkook she knew...

he only seemed to be brave enough to say these types of things when he wasn't talking in person with her. "are you flustered?" he grinned cheekily, moving to a comfortable position on his bed as he waited for her to answer.

"n —no, i'm—"

"your stuttering told me otherwise."

"just because i stuttered doesn't mean i'm flustered you... you ZYGOTE!" she countered, earning a dramatic gasp from him as he instantly sat back up. "we're the same age what do you mean?!" he whined.

"oh shush. your birthday is in a month so you're still twenty-one, but without the twenty," she shrugged as she heard jungkook's continuous objections regarding her valid statement.

he couldn't ignore that she basically told him he was one year old. he grumbled on the phone before sighing in defeat. and this fun bickering continues.

unknowingly, the two of them talked for a very long time until minjee heard a knock coming from her door. she told jungkook to wait for a bit as she yelled out a 'come in!' before the familiar blonde-haired roommate of hers peeked through the door gap.

"hey, ara is leaving now. thought you would wanna send her out with me," she nudged her head outside, signaling her that ara is waiting by the front door. minjee nodded her head, waving her hand telling her to wait for a second.

once yoona disappeared behind the door, she heard his voice through her earpieces, "what happened?"

"it's just yoona. i need to send ara out first. talk to you tomorrow?" she queried, standing up from the comfort of her bed. her thumb hovered over the 'end call' button, but his voice stopped her.

"don't end the call. we can still talk after if you want. i'll wait don't worry," he reassured.

he still wants to talk?

this has got to be the longest phone call she has ever had with someone. adding the fact that he was the only male friend she had ever came so close with. minjee shifted her eyes towards her digital alarm clock. eleven fifteen, it read.

"oh, okay."

it won't hurt to go on a phone call for hours long late at night with a guy, right?

a/n; im sorry for not updating for two days...? i think. i've been busy with school :(

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