chapter 16.

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slipping on her shoes by the front door while holding the wall as support, minjee planned to go live while walking outside. since it has been around a month after her birthday face reveal, she found it alright to go live now.

she was still a little nervous to expose her face fully so she grabbed a mask and covered half of her face with it. minjee wore a simple and casual outfit for the day: high-waisted dark wide jeans and a cropped ARMY green sweater.

her roommate, yoona, was out with her boyfriend so she picked up her keys and locked the apartment door before walking towards the elevator.

she took her phone from her pocket and went to instagram. she has about five hundred thousand and a half followers now, gaining four hundred thousand from her previous follower count.

clicking on the camera icon at the top left corner of her phone screen, minjee slid her fingers through the choices given at the bottom. post, story, reels, or live. she chose the live option and created a title for her livestream. 'hello!'

the screen then turned faded with a circle in the middle going in circles indicating its loading screen. then her instagram told her that she was now live. minjee reached the ground floor of her apartment.

her screen showed the sky as she waited for her viewers to join. one by one, people started joining and it has reached about two hundred. minjee hovered her hand over the screen before waving.

"hello everyone," she greeted, finally showing her forehead and eyes on the screen. her fringe flowing nicely from the breeze outside.

'hiii minjee!'

'is that your godly forehead i see'


'you look good today'


'why are you not showing us your face😕😕'

'this is your first livestream right?'

'hello! how are you?'

"i'm doing great thank you for asking," minjee smiled, even though her viewers couldn't see because she was wearing a mask they could tell from the way her eyes became smaller.

she walked on the stone pathway and eyed the different shops, stopping along the way for a short window-shopping before continuing her path.

"i'm currently going for a walk to take a break from staring at my computer all day. don't worry though, i will stream later today!" she gave a thumbs up to the camera. she might look weird for passersby.

"'have you eaten breakfast?' i haven't. now that you said it i think i'm going to the café later," she looked around to find a nearby café, looking at her phone screen once in a while. her viewer count reached one thousand.

"'can you speak english?' yes, i can speak english," minjee responded in english, surprising her viewers from the unsaid ability she had. she knew english but not a lot of vocabularies.

"i lived in australia for two years and moved back to korea," she chuckled at the comments, mostly her korean followers complaining that she should go back to speaking korean since they couldn't understand english. "i only know a bit though."

she informed them that she will switch back and forth between both languages.

her time in australia back then wasn't long enough for her to fluently know english but she could understand most of it. besides, she always spoke in korean when she talked to her parents.

"oh! a café!" minjee exclaimed, jogging towards the shop and pushing the transparent doors open. she breathed in the heavenly aroma of ground coffee beans and chocolate, heightening her senses. her tense shoulder relaxing at the homie feeling.

the interior of the cafe could only be defined as aesthetically pleasing, perfect for someone like her. she gave herself a mental note to snap a picture for instagram.

minjee made it to the queue, two people already standing there. while she waited for her turn, she looked around the café to find an available seat but it seemed as if her eyes caught something — or rather, someone very familiar.

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