chapter 27.

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— apartment, seoul.

"what about you, minjee?" taehyung questioned from the group phone call on discord. they were currently waiting for jungkook to appear as it has been ten minutes of him being tardy.

while waiting, the four of them (excluding jungkook) decided to have a short meeting about his upcoming birthday that will occur in a few days. jimin suggested meeting up and celebrate someplace in which taehyung approved.

this also meant that minjee was going to meet taehyung and eri for the first time.

she wasn't sure if meeting jimin for the first time counts because the last time she met him in person was when she stumbled across him with the pikachu onesie at the café.

eri began suggesting the different kinds of dishes they could order for the celebration from a menu she found online, recommended by her chat. she sent the menu to everyone but the upcoming birthday boy, and minjee was currently scanning through it.

"uhm... i'd like the... ch —chicken leemon?" she read the name of the dish from the menu.

hearing this, jimin choked on his drink, his coughing filling the silent background from her three friends. taehyung tried not to laugh from minjee's pronunciation of lemon, "is that all?" he pursed his lips.

eri was covering her face with the palm of her hand, suppressing her laughter on camera. although, her shoulders were moving up and down rapidly as she giggled silently.

to say minjee was confused would be the right term. she was completely puzzled by her friends' behavior. did she say something wrong? however, she shrugged the thought off and skimmed through the menu again.

"wait, they listed the same dish twice and now i'm back on the chiken laymon—" her sentence was cut short when jimin started wheezing. a bang on the table was heard before the sound of him falling off the chair.

just to make sure, minjee went into his livestream only to see an empty gaming chair on camera. a ball of fluffy blonde hair could be seen at the bottom of the screen. he really did fell off his chair...

"and the saga continues..." eri teased, finally calming down while taking deep breaths, slightly exhausted from her constant silent laughing session. tears were in her eyes and she wiped them away.

"did i miss something? why are you all laughing?" a new voice chirped in. minjee recognized it to be jeon jungkook. the male was finally here after being twenty minutes late to their schedule.

"you're late," minjee stated, closing jimin's stream while her chat was still talking about the man on the floor.

"i know," jungkook sighed, his breath was heard through the headphones. it was lucky he didn't come earlier or else he would catch onto the fact that the rest were planning for his birthday. "i had to check outside. something fell off the roof and hoseok was scared thinking it was a ghost."

it's broad daylight though?

"then what was it?" taehyung queried, raising one of his perfectly sculpted eyebrows, leaning against his chair in comfort and crossed his arms over his chest waiting for jungkook to start his story-telling.

"a rat."

"ew, that's gross. what was it doing there anyway?" jimin faked a puking sound. just imagining a rat loitering around jungkook's house made shivers run down his spine.

"well— but the thing is, the rat fell off the roof and SPLAT on the ground," jungkook resumed.

"are you saying the rat was squashed?" minjee questioned. the topic was getting pretty strange and random. she glanced at her chat, seeing them listening intently to his words before they started to spam with twitch emojis.

"that's exactly what i'm saying but it doesn't end there. my neighbor's cat passed by and began sniffing the rat before picking it up and left—" he informed, remembering how both him and hoseok were watching from afar. "i'm glad i don't have to go to the streets just to clean up the corpse though."

"what a way to start my morning," eri clapped slowly whilst bobbing her head, appreciating the story she gave her attention to. "some type of tom and jerry shit—"

"we're still playing right?" jimin cut her sentence off and asked everyone.

"oh we are. what do you guys wanna play?"

a/n; fun fact, the rat situation actually happened irl with one of my friends.

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