chapter 34.

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"shouldn't you be inside having fun?" minjee questioned, looking at him from the corner of her eye. jungkook stayed silent, still keeping his gaze at the sunset as he swings his feet back and forth making the water sway accordingly.

when she called his name again, he didn't even spare a glance at her and this made minjee think to herself if she had done something wrong for him to act this way.

"are you mad at me?"

she asked, only to receive no replies from him. minjee was a patient person so she waited for him to say something, anything — but nothing. jungkook just stared at the pool as if she was never beside him, ignoring her presence.

she sighed softly, "i don't know what i did even though we were having a good time before. whatever it is, i'm just gonna give you space," she uttered before lifting her feet from the pool and stand up to go back inside, however, the male prevented her from doing so.

he swiftly moved his hand and clasped it with her own as he eyed their linked fingers, with him caressing her smooth skin once in a while before he eventually looked up at her. "...if i fall into the water will you save me?"

minjee blinked, registering his words. he's not going to do anything stupid, right? "i can't swim."

jungkook pursed his lips into a thin line before nodding his head deliberately in understanding. "i can float for ten seconds though—"

her sentence was cut off when the male abruptly stood up from his seat and pulled her towards him. it was pretty startling but afterward, he decided it would be a great idea to jump into the pool, despite the warning she gave him.

"wait, wait, wait, waIT, WAIT—!"

her body was submerged with water from top to bottom, adding the fact that she was wearing jeans and a bolero, which added more weight to her figure. jungkook was also wearing jeans. if no one noticed this yet, jeans and water do not go well together. (a/n; trust me i made a mistake going rafting with jeans.)

the loud splashing of water was heard throughout the silent backyard but not enough for the rest of their friends to hear since they were blasting music inside, hoseok's muffled singing of 'my heart will go on' was heard from the loud speakers.

minjee's face was underwater for a few seconds before she was met with the cold air of the evening. she started to inhale and exhale heavily, filling her lungs with oxygen since she didn't get enough air before she was dragged to the pool.

"are you crazy? didn't i tell you that i can't swim!" she shouted, but her shouting sounds nothing like a shout, instead it was like she was only raising her voice a bit and speak louder than her usual tone.

"which gives me the more reason to hold you close like this," jungkook stated, his arms tightly but gently holding onto her waist making sure she won't escape from his grasp and swallowed by the pool.

minjee's breath hitched, realizing the close proximity she had with him which made her get deja vu. her hair was drenched, some strands sticking onto the side of her face, her fringe sticking in various directions. jungkook wasn't any different.

somehow, in his eyes, she still seemed to look beautiful even after being a mess. he stared into her mesmerizing obsidian orbs, drowning him into a whole new universe hidden deep within.

he was accepting the fact that he was developing feelings — even after telling himself numerous times he won't get into a relationship. his mind set has altered after meeting choi minjee. from their accidental first encounter at the street into befriending her online.

"you are annoying," she quipped, furrowing her eyebrows and squinting her eyes at the male in front of her who doesn't seem fazed from her remark.

"take a deep breath."

jungkook started sinking after taking his deep breath, internally causing a short panic to occur with minjee as she didn't have anything to hold her in place. she was holding onto his shoulder before.

she gasped when she felt a tug on her feet, making her shriek in alarm. before her head could fully submerged in the water, she took a deep breath at the last second, feeling as if she was about to cough when her face made in contact with the freezing water.

from her blurry vision — which stung her eyes like a bitch — she can see jungkook taking hold of her arm and pulled her towards his chest. before she could do anything else, she felt two hands cupping her cheeks and the soft touch of something against her lips.

she saw him very near to her face and the movement of his lips pressing harder against hers, it wasn't exactly passionate like the ones she saw on movies, it was more like those innocent kisses she saw.

minjee's eyes shut as her face scrunched, tapping his shoulder implying she needed to breathe. jungkook pulled her closer, her hair flowing freely in the gentle liquid and finding its way to his face. his feet started kicking as he swam towards the surface where the moonlight was shining brightly.

as soon as they hit the surface, he finally pulled away and both streamers breathed heavily. minjee rested her head on his shoulder, still thinking what the heck happened a few seconds ago.

he kissed her. underwater.

jungkook rested his chin on her head, breathing heavily trying to get enough air for his almost suffocated lungs. his eyes were shut as if he was savoring the moment before blinking, trying to get rid of the stingy feeling from his burning eyes.

"consider this my birthday gift from you," he whispered.

he didn't know where he got the confidence from. maybe it was because he saw her being held by another man that it triggered something inside him. he kept telling himself that it was too soon considering they met barely six months ago, but the events that just happened couldn't be rewinded.

he only hoped that things between them would stay the same and not too awkward.

a/n; sjzkJsksBsjbxjsnjbazihakNXIAHZJHimdeadBBAIBhHvUhhajzbwjzbVJdisb oh my.

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