chapter 43.

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choi minjee was dressed in a warm white hoodie and sweatpants that were a part of gamer jeon's merch collection. she got the hoodie specifically from the man himself as he just launched his newest merch not too long ago and wanted her, along with a few of his other friends, to help take photographs as models and upload them on social media to catch the interest of his followers.

it wasn't that difficult really. the merch was completely sold out after two weeks considering how famous he was for being one of the biggest streamers in south korea.

minjee remembered him telling a story about how his favorite kombucha drink was sold out after he introduced it once on his live stream. the man sulked the rest of the day.

his merch came in two colors, black and white, and minjee was gifted the white hoodie and sweatpants. the letters J and K were combined with a nice font on the left side of the hoodie, representing his logo. the design was inspired by light waves so neon-colored lines that glow in the dark ran down the side of the sleeves until the edge of the hoodie cuffs. the same was given for the sweatpants. it looked cool from afar as if you were in a video game.

not only was it fashionable but also comfortable, enough to warm you up for winter. minjee swore she could wear the hoodie all day every day without getting tired.

right now, she's watching a movie in the living room with her roommate, ahn yoona, who sat beside her on the couch stuffing her mouth with popcorn as she kept her eyes concentrated on the television screen.

minjee blinked, hearing the music building up from a soft melody to a loud one as it filled the entire apartment from the speakers. the young blonde woman dressed in a turquoise gown and a magenta-colored cape on screen gleamed happily as she started running up a bridge to a mountain.

at one point, yoona's boyfriend who was cooking in the opened kitchen, started singing along in a funny tone, earning an offended look from his girlfriend as her favorite song was ruined. yes, seokjin stayed the night.

a familiar ding! was heard and minjee shoved her hands in between the cushions to find her phone that was buried. she eyed the lock screen to see what the notification was. the familiar name appearing on the screen made her smile:

so what is my fav girl doing?


MINJEE:what's with the emoji

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what's with the emoji...
message not sent.

watching a movie.

what is it about?

a young child who is nearly killed
by her sister. the girls parents then
seperate the girls and shut both of
them from the outside world. a call
from a friend draws the parents out
of the castle which eventually leads
to their passing. three years later,
the younger sister fell in love with a
random stranger and almost married
him but then she was swept off her
feet by another stranger. just to find
out that the first man was a man
hungry for the family's fortune.


what movie is it?


JUNGKOOK: it entertaining?

it's enjoyable.
elsa is singing her hearts out
right now and jin joined in.

jin hyung is there with you?

yeah. he stayed the night
because yoona told him to.

hopefully he didn't do anything
to her and you got a good rest
last night haha.

what do you mean?

you don't need to know, love.

i'm malfunctioning from
the nickname.
message not sent.

stop that. you're making me shy. 

that is my goal :D to make you
feel some type of way you know?
i wanna make you happy, to the
point where you can't stop smiling

and i wanna make you feel
really loved so you don't have
to doubt anything for a second.

and as i keep learning new
stuff about you i want to prove
how incredible i think you are.

everyone deserves to be happy.
that happiness will soon come
for them. my happiness is to
make you happy so that's what
i'm doing right now!


i know we're not officially
dating yet, but it won't stop me
from expressing how i feel about
you. i'll wait for the moment
you'll accept my confession even
if it will take years.

you actually make me
smile over texts.

that's crazy. you gave me
such a good feeling.

you're adorable.

i'm not adorable. i'm manly.

you're adorable.




minjee let out a small giggle at his texts, earning a look from both jin and yoona as their quarrel paused. she immediately turned her head away and pursed her lips, making it seem as if they didn't hear or see anything but it was too late for that.

"let me guess. jungkook?" yoona spoke, a teasing smile making its way up her lips. "girlie, when are you going to accept him? hasn't it been three months since he confessed?"

that's true. he confessed on his birthday and it was already mid-december now. christmas is coming and minjee planned to visit her family on busan on christmas eve and celebrate with them. she won't be able to meet the boy much as she will be staying there for a week, meaning she will be back in seoul on january first, twenty-twenty.

"i'll give him my answer soon..." minjee muttered, snuggling deeper in the oversized hoodie after she placed the hood over her head and pulled the strings to cover her flustered face, even though her cheeks refused to turned red.

jin and yoona glanced at each other for a few seconds before smiling cheekily.

"better not keep him waiting," the male spoke, patting the younger girl's head.

a/n; sorry for the boring chapter. i'll try to make longer ones soon but i hope you enjoy them nonetheless! don't forget to vote and comment, it will be highly appreciated <3

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