chapter 59.

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"you know that was our second kiss?"

jungkook reminded, raising an eyebrow, staring deep into her dark orbs. the kiss was more like a long peck though, but both jungkook and minjee considered it a kiss. a kiss is a kiss. when two lips touch for more than five seconds is a kiss. at least that's how they view it.

the real difference between a kiss and a peck could be asked to kim namjoon.

minjee could feel his hot breath on her lower lip and she felt dizzy. her eyes kept moving back and forth between his eyes and lips because she was conscious of what he was going to do next.

the girl didn't answer him, instead, she stayed silent and tried to control her breathing. she tried to stay calm and composed in this situation but she knew — she knew she couldn't after feeling a soft squeeze on her waist, making her jolt a little.

jungkook rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes while she kept hers opened. the male then frowned before speaking, "you're making me go crazy, choi minjee."

the pounding of not only hers but also his heart was too overwhelming and she used her momentarily rush of confidence to raise a hand to cup his cheek, only to place it back down when he suddenly opened his eyes. " that a good thing?" she whispered slowly.

"no," he replied. "it's a bad thing."

hearing this, minjee, who was originally avoiding his gaze by looking down at the floor, averted her eyes back at him. she looked bewildered but for jungkook, she just looked like a cute and confused puppy in which he wanted to hug the living shit out of.

"jungkook," she softly spoke, her hands clutching on his turtleneck shirt nervously. "that day... when i asked you to make me fall for you the same way you did."

this was it. this was the moment where she was finally going to confess her feelings after four whole months. jungkook has waited for so long and he never once complained or forced her to answer him as soon as possible. he lets her take her time and spend time with her almost every day which just boosted her feelings to max level.

this was the moment where she was going to accept him. minjee took a deep breath, the words barely came out of her. but she still continued, "i might have fallen a lot deeper than i'm supposed to."

the boy felt happier than ever by her answer. he had waited for this moment ever since they befriended each other online. they went from being strangers to being friends to catching feelings and would soon be labeled lovers. now that he finally knew how she felt about him, he won't let this opportunity pass.

"you like me too?" he asked, his grip tightening around her as he unconsciously pulled her closer.

minjee gave a shy nod.

jungkook's lips trembled in excitement as he couldn't take his eyes off of her nor her lips. how badly he wanted to just do it right now. he looked at her, silently asking for permission and he received another small nod in return. he stayed where he was and his mind was empty, but he knew something better awaits him when he does it.

so he leaned down, closed his eyes, and caught her lower lip between his. just in time for the fireworks to start shooting up at the sky. minjee's eyelids twitched since it was a new feeling for her. she had been kissed before, but not on the lips. they stayed still like that, for a couple seconds, before she kissed back. they were slow and warm. it felt perfect, the way hers felt on his.

their lips moved together a few times before he pulled back, his body still, as he gave it his all into the kiss. they locked eyes, and jungkook kissed her one more time to give himself a pamper before nuzzling on her shoulder, not believing the event that happened a few seconds ago.

the fireworks were still soaring up at the sky, it being clearly beautiful at the top of the namsan tower. they should be focusing on the show, but they were too caught up with each other to give a care.

minjee doesn't know that jungkook was secretly grinning like a child against her shoulder as he hugged her tighter, gently but tighter. feeling like he was in heaven. he felt blessed to have met someone like her.

he pulled away, his cheeks turning red from both the cold and the love of his life. "what's your answer for the multiple choice question i sent you?" he asked.

the girl blinked and giggled when she realized what he was indicating. he was talking about the picture he sent a few days ago through messages about the 'online quiz' he took for fun, saying it was difficult for him so he asked her for help. minjee smiled.

"a. i pick a."

january first, twenty-twenty. a special day for the newly formed couple. they were no longer strangers, no longer friends, and no longer best friends. jungkook couldn't believe his efforts paid off and he did not expect their relationship to be happening tonight.

happy surprises sure do come to him.


— ; 220318

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