chapter 17.

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— café, seoul.

"jimin?" she muttered. her viewers heard what she said as the comment section starts spamming with his name. "i don't know if my eyes are deceiving me but if you saw a banana haired man wearing a onesie at a café would you believe me it's jimin?"

yes. a onesie. minjee saw someone wearing a onesie designed as pikachu in a coffee shop. this was truly something she never saw in her life. she remembered seeing jimin wearing that when he was streaming once.

"oh wow there's a charmander approaching the pikachu—" her observation was cut short when the counter lady called out to her.

"how can i help you?"

she averted her gaze to the lady, who looked like she was dead inside. her eyes were blank and empty as if she didn't want to be here but was forced to. it reminded minjee of herself when she was still at school forced to do her homework.

"can i get a... hot chocolate and a vegan cookie please," she politely asked, pointing to the vegan cookie sitting on the glass compartment beside the counter, waiting to be devoured.

the lady typed in her order before the cash register popped open as she extended her hand. "that'll be $5 in total. what cup size are you?"


"what cup size do you want? small, medium, or large?" the lady repeated her sentence, her face remaining blank. minjee wondered if her ears were broken and she was just hearing things. "uhm... hot chocolate needs a cup size? i thought it was with a mug?"

the lady at the counter remained muted as she silently stared at minjee. "you are right. my bad."

she turned around to prepare the drink and cookie after collecting the money. minjee waited at the side allowing the people lined up behind her to order next, this time with a different barista as the lady from before was busy preparing her hot chocolate.

"that was such a weird encounter with miss counter lady," she whispered to the live chat, saying the last three words in english.

her eyes went back to the pokemon duo. pikachu and charmander were sitting on the same table. she couldn't see who the charmander person was but she could see jimin giggling at whatever he said.

lots of eyes were glued at the duo. of course they would... honestly who wouldn't stare at them?

charmander suddenly revealed a camera in his hand before he started filming jimin, who gave a small wave and an eye smile. oh, they are recording?

"everyone, i think pika-jimin and his friend charmander are recording for something. wait, i don't think i'm supposed to tell you this—" her sentence was once again cut short when the counter lady shouted her name. "order for choijee!"

the girl turned around to receive her hot chocolate and cookie, only to be met with the wrong order. she did get the cookie, however, she got the wrong beverage. instead of obtaining a hot chocolate, she got an americano.

"excuse me, you got me the wro—" she couldn't even finish her sentence when the counter lady left to prepare another drink for her customers. "—ng order... i guess this is fine too..."

she sighed and head out to exit the café shop. she pushed the door open but to no avail. the door won't budge. minjee stood there like an idiot in front of the transparent door, thinking how she was going to leave the café when the door was stubborn to comply.

just then, another hand opened the other door from the double doors of the cafe. "it says pull, not push— minjee?"

"eh? oh, thank yo—" she halted once her eyes caught the familiar-looking man beside her who came to help her at an unfortunate event. "jungkook?"

a/n; a reminder for future purposes that italicized sentences from character's speeches means they are talking in english. and normal ones are in korean :D

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