chapter 07.

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ding dong!

she paused rolling the string cheese with rice paper. for tonight's dinner, she was preparing rice paper tteokbeokki. she found a recipe from watching youtube and decided to try making it since she has the ingredients now.

hearing the doorbell ringing, minjee wiped her hands with a towel and walked towards the door. she unlocked it and peeked through the gap, seeing the familiar face of her roommate grinning.

right. she has a roommate. she almost forgot about it knowing her roommate was out for a trip to jeju with her boyfriend.

ahn yoona was her name.

she was quite tall for a girl with the height of 5'6 or better speaking 168 cm tall while minjee was only 5'4. it made minjee feel tiny compared to her even though they only have a four centimeters difference.

yoona has a kind and sweet personality. she would always be there for her but she didn't know if she was enough to be called her friend. yoona was an out-going and extroverted person, the total opposite of minjee.

it was always awkward around her despite them already living together for a year. nowadays, minjee tried her best to communicate more with yoona to feel a little more comfortable.

"minjee!" the girl pushed the door open and hugged her best friend — yoona keeps saying minjee was her best friend. noticing this, she felt a bit sad to acknowledge yoona as a roommate only.

her long blonde-pink hair smacking her right on the face. 'she dyed her again?' minjee thought. frankly speaking, she never once saw yoona with dark hair as the girl only went for blonde. she was kind of worried about her scalp.

minjee tapped her shoulder signaling her to let go before heading towards the kitchen to resume her cooking. the portion she was making rice paper tteokbeokki was enough for two people, luckily.

yoona plopped on the seat by the counter. staring at minjee as she cooks dinner, very concentrated. the smell already filling the entire room. unlike her, she was pretty bad at cooking. sometimes would even cause a bit of trouble. she was glad minjee remained calm when she remembered spilling flour all over the floor trying to make pancakes for breakfast.

"whatcha maaaaakiing~?" she asked in a sing-song voice.

"tteokbeokki," minjee answered as she mixed the sauce with minced garlic, curry powder, and red pepper paste. yoona's eyes brightened at the word. she had always flavored her tteokbeokki. it was that good.

once it was completed, minjee took out two oval-shaped ceramic bowls and served two servings of her homemade food. she turned around to place it on the counter only to find her roommate drooling. seeing this, she playfully rolled her eyes, a small smile crept up her lips.

the rest of the night was spent with them catching up with things missed — it was mostly yoona striking up a conversation. minjee knew yoona was a youtuber who makes vlogs and she also knew that she went to jeju with her boyfriend just to make a video about it.

her boyfriend. minjee never met him face-to-face but she did saw a few pictures of him from her videos and instagram. he was a good-looking guy and they have been together for five months. judging from yoona's youtube videos, she can say this guy and her were pretty similar. very goofy.

looking at her, she was so in love with this guy and minjee only hoped they would last long, unlike her previous relationships where the guy left her for another woman.

and minjee never want to see her roommate balling her eyes out for a guy and locking herself in her room, not eating for days.

a/n; this was a boring chapter bye. i might publish another chapter later today.

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