Chapter 3

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Two years since Tony had become IronMan and everything seemed to be just fine until one day Y/N noticed something.

It was durning a very intense make out session in the lab which would of lead to more if Y/N didnt notice something was different around his reactor.

"Baby, why'd you stop? Peter will be home soon." Tony says kissing her neck.

"I know its just... Look. There are these lines around the reactor." Y/N says.

"Shit." Tony says.

Y/N climb off him as he had JARVIS run some tests on what was happening. Only to tell the couple some terrible news.

"That thing was suppose to save you and now its killing you? Oh my god." Y/N says panicking.

She was having a panic attack and Tony grabbed her hands and forced her to look at him.

"Baby, we will figure this out together. I promise you everything is okay." Tony says.

He pulled her into a hug not really believing what he said to be true. Days started turning into weeks which slowly turned to months and Tony seemed to get worse.

"Mrs.Stark, you wanted to see me?" Pepper questions.

"Yes I did." Y/N says.

Pepper has worked for them for years. She was the one who actually thought Y/N was best for Tony. She was the one who set up the couple in the first place and she and Y/N were like best friends.

"Tony is... Well so focused on his new IronMan thing that the Company seems to be without his attention. So he and I talked and we decided the best thing for the company is to make someone who truly knows the place and how to work it should be the CEO." Y/N says.

"I dont understand." Pepper says.

"What my beautiful wife is saying is that we want you Pepper. We want you to be the new CEO of Stark Industries. We trust you will do the best." Tony says.

"Are you two serious? Me? CEO? But..." Pepper says.

"Pepper you have been there for me since alittle before I met Y/N. Hell you got her here. We know we could never repay you for everything you have ever done for us. Making us a couple, helping us get married, hell you even help deliver Peter in this very lab." Tony says.

"Well that last one wouldnt have been necessary if someone wouldnt have thought it was false labor pains." Y/N says.

"You were 3 weeks early." Tony says.

"Still should of listened." Y/N says.

"Oh hush. Anyway Pep when I was gone you helped keep the company afloat and helped my family. So this is a way to pay you back. Even though nothing can ever truly be paid back for what you have done. But this is a start. What do you say?" Tony questions.

"Yes. Of course. Thank you." Pepper says.

Pepper gave them each a hug before walking up and out of the lab.

"That was a good choice." Tony says.

"Well, if there is a chance we cant stop whats happening to you and it takes you. Its best we both know the company is in the best hands possible." Y/N says.

Tony pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead.

"Hey Im home nothing gross." Peter says coming into the lab.

"Man our 8 year old is demanding." Y/N says.

"I wonder where he gets it." Tony says smirking at his wife.

"You." Y/N says.

"Okay you have to leave now." Peter says trying to push his mother out of the lab.

"And why do I have to go?" Y/N questions.

"Because we have things to do." Peter says.

"Okay I'll leave. Just make sure he doesnt blow the lab up." Y/N says.

"Honey dont worry." Tony says.

"She meant me. She wants me to make sure you dont blow up the lab." Peter says.

"Thats right. Keep and eye on him." Y/N says before heading upstairs.

Now Peter doesnt know Tony might die and so they decided he could start learning small ways to make the IronMan suit. That way there could be a new IronMan in the future if the reactor kills Tony. But its also quality time with Tony and Peter just in case.

But even if Tony dies these can be childhood memories Peter can hold on to for the rest of his life.

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