Chapter 27

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Y/N was moving forward with her life and her family. 3 kids to take care of and two husbands sure what was missing was one son, but she was moving on as best she could.

It now has been 5 years since the snap. Everlie was now 7, Morgan was now 4, and Bexley was now 1 1/2 years old. A happy family for them and because Steve helped his wife and husband the best he could he decided to help others as well.

He had moved on from his forties past and found something great to have in his life. And occasionally he goes and visits Natasha to talk with her and make sure she is okay.

This time though was different when they were visited by a friend they had thought they had lost.

Scott Lang was telling them how they could fix it all and make it better all they needed was some help. Steve wanted to help even though he knew Tony wouldnt go for it.

As predicted Tony didnt want to do it when Steve brought Scott to ask.

"Tony this can work. Maybe.. And that means we can get Peter back." Steve says.

"Shut up. If you say that any louder Y/N will hear you. You know very well how much she would want that." Tony says.

"Tony, this could bring him back." Steve says.

"My god Rogers, stop." Tony says.

Tony quickly got up and went inside and Steve followed him. But Tony had went into his little lab he had and locked Steve out.

"Hey whats wrong? Tony came in saying you were being stupid and slammed the lab door." Y/N says.

"Scott Lang showed up and has a plan to go back in time before Thanos, get the stones, and bring everyone back. And Tony doesnt want to help. He didnt even want you to know." Steve says.

"Wait, can that really happen? Can you really go back and make it so everyone can come home?" Y/N asks.

"Scott believes it could be done, but Tony knows this stuff and he is refusing to help." Steve says.

"Well, I think we should try." Y/N says.

"We?" Steve questions.

"Yes we. If there is a chance I can get my son back then Im helping." Y/N says.

"Doll, I..." Steve says.

"No. I call Happy and have him come watch the kids and Tony. And besides I know a green guy who might be of assistants." Y/N says.

"There is no talking you out of this is there?" Steve asks.

"Nope. Until we get Peter back Im helping you. Whatever it takes." Y/N says.

"Well then, lets go. But may be leave a note for Tony." Steve says.

"He'll get the message once he sees Happy is here and not us. Lets go we have a better chance of bring Peter home the faster quicker we leave." Y/N says.

Y/N took Steve's hand and dragged her with him out the door. As they were talking with the Hulk, Tony came out of his lab to see Happy with the kids.

"She went with Steve didnt she?" Tony asks.

"She said she had to get her son back. Whatever it takes." Happy says.

"God damn it." Tony says.

He knew he had to work on something in order to help his loves. He wasnt against trying he was against the possibility of giving everyone false hope. But it was time now time to work on something that will finally be bring their Peter home.

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