Chapter 18

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Y/N, Steve, and Tony all knew and then they told Peter. After they all knew Peter asked what the name will be. No one really knew just yet.

The idea of a name went around for the next couple of days. Y/N then found she loved and so she shared with with her husbands and son. They all agreed that the name was perfect and it went with the middle name Steve wanted to use.

As the days started to pass Tony and Steve started both getting really focus on their new stuff. Steve got a lead on the old HYDRA agent so he had to go after him. Tony was working on more suit stuff and other Stark Industries things.

That was all normal, but what wasnt normal was Peter's behavior lately. He was distance and was always out of it. He seemed really different. He wasnt like a different person he was just more quiet and also tired.

Since Peter was never really like that and Y/N was the only one who seemed to notice. Which made since because she was the one who was always home.

"Hey Bud. Are you okay?" Y/N asks.

"Yeah. Why wouldnt I be?" Peter asks.

"Its just you seem more distant. It seems like something is off with you. Is something or someone bothering you?" Y/N asks.

"Im fine Mom. Really." Peter says.

"Peter I know you better then that. You know you can talk to me about anything. Whatever is bothering you, you can talk to me." Y/N says.

"I know. But nothing is bothering me." Peter says.

"Ummm.. Okay." Y/N says not believing him.

"Alright. So Happy will be picking you up after school and..." Y/N says.

"Actually Im going over to Ned's for a class project." Peter says.

"Okay then.. Just call Happy to pick you up afterwards." Y/N says.

"No thats okay. I can come on my own." Peter says.

"Umm.. I dont know about that." Y/N says.

"Mom Im not a baby anymore. Please let me come home on my own." Peter says.

"Yeah okay. I guess. Have a good day." Y/N says.

"Thanks mom." Peter says.

After Peter got out of the car Y/N had a strange feeling in her stomach. This started to happen alot over the next couple months. Peter was lying and hiding something, but Y/N didnt say anything because she wanted him to come to her.

Y/N was now 9 months pregnant and the baby should be coming any day now so she decided to let Peter keep his secret until the baby was born. Then she would be talking with her son.

As she was getting things ready for the baby in the room she heard a window shut. That was very weird. It came from her son's room and when she walked in she didnt see anything.

She might not of saw anything, but she heard something and when she looked up the new Spiderman was on her ceiling.

"Peter?" Y/N questions.

"No." Peter says trying to hide his voice.

"Peter Parker Stark-Rogers get your ass down right now." Y/N says.

"Yes ma'am." Peter says getting off the ceiling.

He took off the mask and tried to avoid the look of his mother's face.

"You want to tell me how this happened?" Y/N asks.

"Im not really sure. But a spider bit me and now well.. I think you know." Peter says.

"Right. A spider bit you? You really going with that?" Y/N questions.

"Its the truth. I promise you Im not lying." Peter says.

"And why didnt you say anything?" Y/N asks.

"Because I didnt want to stress you out. And I dont want Dad or Steve to know. They'd shut me down immediately. I just want to and be a friendly neighborhood Spiderman." Peter says.

Y/N walked out of the room and into the kitchen to process what he just said. Spiderman and not wanting his dads to know.

"Mom, can we please keep this between us?" Peter asks entering the kitchen.

"Peter, I cant keep this from them." Y/N says.

"Mom, Please dont tell. I'll tell them when Im ready. Please." Peter says.

"Fine." Y/N says.

"Wait really?" Peter asks.

"Yeah." Y/N says.

"Thanks." Peter says.

"Dont thank me. Thank your sister. She's on her way." Y/N says holding her stomach cause her water just broke.

Peter just froze in his spot and didnt know what to do.

"Okay Bud get into the car and call your dads. I'll be right there." Y/N says.

"Okay." Peter says.

Peter went out into the car and called his dads as Y/N told him. Y/N got into the car with the hospital bag and drove to the hospital.

When they got there Y/N was taken in and when both Steve and Tony arrived they joined her. Peter was in the waiting room with the team and hours later Tony came out to everyone.

"Hey Pete you wanna come meet your sister?" Tony asks.

"Yeah." Peter says.

Peter went with his dad to the room where his mother and Steve were with the baby.

"Hey Petey, would you like to hold her?" Y/N asks.

"Umm... Yeah.. Okay." Peter says.

Y/N handed the baby over to Steve as Peter sat down. Steve went over to Peter and placed the baby in his arms. His little sister. The new member of their family. Their beautiful daughter Everlie Sarah Stark-Rogers.

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