Chapter 8

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Tony loved his wife no matter what and she made it clear she didnt want to help against Loki. The battle was crazy and insane not to mention Y/N almost lost Tony for the millionth time.

When the Hellacarrier landed Y/N ran over to Tony and hugged him tightly. Smothering his face in kisses.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you so much." Y/N says kissing him all over his face.

"I love you too baby." Tony says kissing her.

From a distance Steve watched them and felt alittle depressed. How could he get an eye for a married woman? That wasnt right he shouldnt.

"Dont you ever go through a wormhole into space ever again." Y/N says.

"Okay my love. I wont. I'll tell you what let me go and talk with Thor about his brother and then we well head home to our son." Tony says.

"I'd like that." Y/N says.

Tony gave her one more kiss before heading over to talk with Thor. Y/N noticed Steve and went over to him.

"I bet you didnt think you'd fight Aliens after waking up from the ice." Y/N says.

"No, I did not. I bet you didnt realize the truth about you would come out... Banner and I kinda read it." Steve says.

"Well no, but Tony still loves me even knowing about it so Im okay with it. I just dont think I have it in me to tell Peter yet." Y/N says.

"Well Im sure you dont have to tell him until you are ready to." Steve says.

"Yeah. Hey where do you plan on going now that this fight is over?" Y/N asks.

"I dont know. I was thinking DC for alittle while, but I am not sure." Steve says.

"Well... If you want you can come back with Tony and me." Y/N says.

"I dont know. Tony might not like it." Steve says.

"Im sure it will be fine. Besides I dont want you to go off alone. No one should be alone." Y/N says.

Before Steve could say anything Tony walked up and wrapped his arms around his wife and kissed her neck.

"Okay baby. Its time to go. See ya around Capsicle." Tony says.

"Actually I asked Steve if he wanted it come with us. Is that okay?" Y/N asks.

Tony looked at his wife and then at the Captain and then back at his wife.

"If that would make you happy my love, then okay. The Captain can come home with us." Tony says.

"So Steve, will you come with us?" Y/N asks.

"Sure." Steve says.

It wasnt long before they all had arrived in Malibu and had Happy give them a ride home.

"So Hap, how was Petey?" Y/N asks.

"He was very well. Although he missed you two like crazy." Happy says.

"I missed him too." Y/N says.

Once they got to the house Y/N went inside and saw Peter on the couch watching the news.

"Hey sweetie." Y/N says.

"Mom." Peter says.

He ran over to her and hugged her. He missed his mother and thought he lost his father. Though outside Steve and Tony watched them.

"Listen Cap. I dont know what kind of idea you have, but that woman is taken. She is my wife. You try anything and I'll blast you back to 1945." Tony says.

"I dont know what you mean Tony." Steve says.

Tony nudged him out of his way before heading inside when Peter saw him he ran over to him and hugged him.

"Im so glad you're okay dad." Peter says.

"Me too, Bud." Tony says and kisses his son's head.

"Hey whos closing the door?" Peter asks.

"Oh right. Peter thats Steve Rogers. Steve come say hi." Y/N says.

Steve walked into the living room and Peter pulled away from Tony looking at Steve in awe.

"Wow, Captain America. Im Peter and a big fan." Peter says going over to Steve.

"Can you tell me everything about all the stuff you did before and after becoming Captain America?" Peter asks.

"Sure kid." Steve says.

"Great come on." Peter says dragging Steve upstairs.

"Did Peter just replace me with the old man?" Tony questions.

"No... Maybe." Y/N says.

"I'll be back." Tony says heading down to his lab.

"Oh god." Y/N says.

Tony has always had a problem with Captain America. Maybe this wasnt the best idea.

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