Chapter 17

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Y/N kept and eye on the news as her husbands were fighting Ultron again. Peter was sitting beside her watching the screen. He had a dazzle of inspiration in his eyes.

A look he had that look for awhile since the moment Tony had become IronMan. He has always wanted to do what Tony did and then what the team did. This worried Y/N she already had to worry about her husbands she would hate to worry about her son as well.

They were watching the news and then saw the city had fallen from the sky. But the team was all okay and when they came back Tony has decided to move the Avengers to the new compound.  But hw was moving his family to a new house.

"Welcome home." Tony says.

"Wow. Its so cool." Peter says.

Peter ran into the house as they all just watched him. Y/N was happy that the Ultron thing was now behind them and happy that she didnt have to stress anymore. So that meant she could just focus on the baby. But she has alittle sad because her eldest was about to start high school and was almost 14.

"Hey Darlin? You okay?" Tony asks.

"Yeah Im fine why do you ask?" Y/N questions.

"Cause you keep looking at the old photo of Peter when he was a baby." Tony says.

"Well, he starts high school in just a few weeks Tony. Its just he is no longer our little baby." Y/N says.

"Yeah, but another one is on the way. So thats a good thing." Tony says.

"Yeah.. Hey where's Steve?" Y/N asks.

"He is working with Nat to get the new team ready." Tony says.

"Right. And why arent you helping?" Y/N asks.

"I dont really dont train people." Tony says.

"Should of known. You didnt even help teach our son to use bathroom." Y/N says.

"You're never going to stop bringing that up are you?" Tony asks.

"Nope." Y/N says.

Over the next couple of weeks everything thing was great. Steve was always busy working with the team and Tony was working with his suits and Stark Industries stuff.

Peter then turned 14 and then began high school. After just a few weeks in school Peter was talking about a new friend he had made. He really liked how this guy was basically just like him.

"So... Can I tell him?" Peter asks his parents.

"I actually really trust him. Im sure he wouldnt say anything. Ned isnt like that." Peter says.

"Well... Im sure he isnt. But Peter you know the rule. You cant say anything. Its for the best." Tony says.

"Yeah, but..." Peter says.

"Pete I think you should listen to him. He's right." Steve says.

"Yeah I understand that, but..." Peter says.

"Bud the answer is no." Tony says.

Peter got up in anger and walked into his room to which the heard the door slam shut. Y/N however went up and went to talk to Peter.

"Hey Petey can I come in?" Y/N asks.

"Sure I guess." Peter says.

Y/N walked in and he was just laying on his bed and he looked more sad then angry.

"Hey sweetie, can I ask you something?" Y/N questions sitting on his bed.

"Sure. I guess." Peter says.

"Why do you want to tell him who you really are?" Y/N asks.

"Because.. I have spent years not really having any real friends. And this one I know is a real friend. And I have known him for a few weeks and I feel bad lying. I dont like the idea of lying to a friend." Peter says.

"I see. So you just want to be truthful and honest with your friend?" Y/N questions.

"Yeah. No other person I have ever been sort of friends with have ever seemed well enough to tell. But Ned is different, Mom. I know it." Peter says.

"Okay. I would love for you to be honest with your friend. So you know what how about I talk to your dad and Steve and I'll try to talk them into letting you tell your friend." Y/N says.

"Thanks Mom." Peter says.

Y/N went back downstairs to talk to both Tony and Steve. She told them that Peter deserved a friend to know the truth have someone to lean on.

"Hey Petey come down for a moment." Y/N says.

Peter came downstairs and looked at all three of them sitting there.

"We talked and your mother brought up some odd points. So we have decided to let you tell your friend the truth about our family." Tony says.

"Really?" Peter asks.

"Yeah. Of course." Y/N says.

"Thank you." Peter says and headed back upstairs.

Peter seemed really happy that he could finally have a friend know the truth.

"Oh right before I forget you had an appointment while we were busy. So 6 months pregnant and you can know the gender of the baby. Did you learn it?" Tony asks.

"Yeah I did. Would you two like to know?" Y/N asks.

"Yeah. Of course. Tell us Doll." Steve says.

"Well then its a...."

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