Chapter 28

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Tony found a way to maneuver through time without making things change for the person making their way through time. Then he said goodbye to his children before heading to the compound.

Steve was outside looking around and feeling defeated. Y/N looked rather sad as they had a failed. She went outside after Steve and he went over to her and pulled her into a hug.

"Hey we're going to figure this out Doll. I promise." Steve says kissing her head.

"I really hope so. I just want to get my son back." Y/N says.

"I know sweetie." Steve says.

As they just leaned into one another and then they heard a car coming their way. They saw the car and Y/N knew just who it was.

"Hello my dears. Miss me?" Tony questions.

"Not really." Steve jokes

"Haha very funny. Look I might have a way to go back in time without aging around." Tony says.

"Wait really? You arent kidding right? Cause that wouldnt be funny." Y/N says.

"Baby, I wouldnt do to you. Im serious, we can do this and get our son back. We just need a team to help." Tony says.

"We can do that. Im sure everyone would want to help." Steve says.

"Well then lets get started." Tony says.

Tony and Steve both walked inside talking about the plan and Y/N followed closely behind. They were going to be able to get their Peter back.

They got their team members were brought together and they had plan to get the stones and everyone was now on their way.

(A change is about to be made)

Y/N, Steve, and Tony were the ones to go and get the soul stone. And when they reached the top Steve was shocked to see RedSkull.

"No. It cant be." Steve says.

"Well hello again Captain." RedSkull says.

"Steve, baby are you okay?" Y/N asks.

"No. He's here I thought I... I thought he..." Steve says.

"Hey its okay." Y/N says taking Steve hand in hers.

"Okay buddy. Where's the stone?" Tony asks.

"Ooh follow me." RedSkull says.

The three followed him and he brought them to a cliff.

"Its down there?" Y/N asks.

"Not exactly. You see to get the soul stone you have to lose something you love." RedSkull says.

"What?" Y/N questions.

"Its a soul for a soul." RedSkull says.

The three of them looked at one another and Y/N looked over the side of the cliff. She was upset one of them wouldnt be coming home and lost forever. Unless they dont do this then no one comes back.

"One of us has to make the Ultimate sacrifice in order to bring everyone back." Y/N says.

They were all silent and Tony looked at them and he then turned to Steve.

"You take care of our family Cap." Tony says before looking at Y/N

"You changed my whole life baby, you change the playboy image. God I love you so much. Tell Everlie, Morgan, and Bexley that I love them. And tell Peter when he comes back that I love too." Tony says.

"No, Tony. You cant do this. I need you. I'll do it. The world needs the greatest heroes not me." Y/N says crying.

"No way in hell. You arent doing this. Our kids need their mother and only one father. So you cant do it." Tony says.

"Tony, no. You arent doing this. I will." Y/N says.

"No." Steve says.

"What do you mean no?" Y/N asks.

"Cap, you cant say no. Im doing this." Tony says.

"No. You two were together first. You two have to get your son back. It has to be me." Steve says.

"No. I'll do it. You two stay here and tell Peter and our other kids and tell them that I love them." Y/N says.

She went to the edge when Steve quickly grabbed her and move her away before she could fall.

"What the hell was that?" Tony asks.

Before Y/N could say anything she noticed Steve at the edge. Tony saw where she was looked. Before either of them could say anything Steve mouthed 'I love you' before jumping.

They werent quick enough and when they looked over the side they saw their Captain...

(Whoever made this photo great work)

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(Whoever made this photo great work)

Y/N fell to her knees crying and Tony pulled her into his chest making her not look at their lovers dead body.

They were both moved though to a place where they were granted the stone.

Steve was gone and Y/N pulled away from Tony and started throwing up. Tony helped her up and they had to go back to the Compound. When they all came back Y/N broke down in tears and Nat pulled her into a hug. Asking Tony what happened and asking where Steve was.

Tony looked at everyone and then down at his broken wife and he had to tell them that Steve had sacrificed himself for the stone and for the universe. But everyone knew the real reason Steve sacrificed himself and that reason was his family.

A/N: Im sorry. Im sorry. Im sorry. I cried writing this and rereading it. Im sorry. 😭😭

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