Chapter 9

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Steve had been staying around the Stark house for the last couple on months and Tony seemed to be much better with Steve.

Peter loved having two superheroes around the house. He seems so interested in Steve's story and in helping his father build IronMan suits.

Y/N however begin to feel guilty about spending time with Steve while Tony was busy working. The reason she felt so guilty was because she was feeling something she had only felt with Tony.

"Hey you okay?" Steve asks walking into kitchen.

"Im fine. What are you doing up?" Y/N asks.

"I couldnt sleep. I had a nightmare. Why arent you asleep?" Steve asks.

"I had a very... Interesting dream." Y/N says.

"Want to tell me about it?" Steve asks.

"No. No." Y/N says.

"Is something wrong? You have been off with me lately. Did I do something?" Steve asks walking over to her.

"No you havent done anything wrong, Steve." Y/N says.

"Then whats wrong?" Steve asks placing his hand on her shoulder.

Y/N looked up at him and couldnt help herself, but get lost in the blue eyes of CaptainAmerica. She shouldnt be feeling this way about him. 14 years with Tony and an 11 years old son with him.

Maybe it was because she was 18 and married the first man she ever dated. Maybe she didnt go around for man to man. She met one, fell in love, got married, and had his baby. 

"Whats happening in my kitchen?" Tony asks walking in.

"I thought things were to easy. I told you this woman is mine. Back off." Tony says.

"Hey she is upset I was just talking with her. I wouldnt go after you wife Tony. That would be very wrong of me." Steve says.

"Yeah likely story. Go to bed Rogers. Come on baby." Tony says.

He placed his arms around his wife and took her up to their room. Tony was mumbling stuff about Steve in a negative way.

Y/N felt guilty her feelings for Steve. She couldnt handle it so she started crying. Tony went over to her and placed his hand on her back.

"Hey whats wrong my love?" Tony asks.

"Im sorry Tony. Im sorry. I didnt mean it." Y/N says looking away from him.

"What? Baby? What did you do?" Tony asks.

"I really didnt mean to. I love you so much. You are my everything Tony. And Im so sorry." Y/N says.

"Hey, what happened?" Tony asks.

"Please just listen to me." Y/N says.

"Okay. Im listening." Tony says.

Y/N wiped away her tears and faced Tony. She grabbed his hands and guided him to the bed.

"Look, I love you okay. I love you much. After everything that has happened to me I found you and you made everything better. So it kills me to say this to you." Y/N says taking a deep breath.

"I dont know why, but lately I have been feeling something.... Like romantic and at times sexual for... Steve." Y/N says.

Tony's face then dropped and then he took his hands away from her getting up. He mumbled something and then turned back to her his eyes now tearing up.

"Tony..." Y/N says.

She got up and went over to him and took his hand, but he pulled away.

"Listen to me. I love you. Nothing has ever happened with him I promise. Please dont be upset. I love you so much and I promise I would never act on these feelings. I cant lose you not now not ever." Y/N says placing her hands on his cheeks.

"I love you so much." Y/N says.

Tony just looked at her and placed a kiss to her lips softly. He pulled away and then kissed the top of her head.

"I want you to be happy." Tony says.

"I am with you in your arms. My safe place is here." Y/N says kissing his shoulder.

"Well... How about we test something?" Tony questions.

"Test what?" Y/N asks.

"Why dont we test some sort of three way relationship with the Captain?" Tony suggests.

"Baby, you may be Bisexual, but we dont know if he is." Y/N says.

"Thats what the test is. To see if he is or isnt and to let you have someone other then me without things getting messy." Tony says.

"Are you serious? You would share me with him? Just to test the waters? You'd really do that for me?" Y/N questions.

"I'd do anything for you." Tony says.

Y/N thought about Tony's little proposal and she didnt mind the idea of it. Now the question was would Steve like to give it a try?

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