Chapter 31

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It had been a week since Y/N lost Steve and Tony and it had been the hardest week of her life. And now today Y/N was having to say goodbye to her two loves. She got herself ready and then she made sure she got three of her kids ready.

Once they all walked downstairs and Natasha told her that Peter doesnt want to come out of his room. So Y/N had Nat keep an eye on the other three while she went to talk to Peter.

Y/N knocked on Peter's door and he told her to come in. She opened the door and Peter was just sitting on his bed crying. Y/N slowly went over to her son and hugged him.

"I cant do this. I dont want to say goodbye to them." Peter says crying.

"I know Pete. I dont either, but we have too." Y/N says.

"But how? How do we do this? How do we move on?" Peter asks.

"I dont know. Right now we just have to say goodbye and then I guess we'll have to slowly go from there." Y/N says.

Peter nodded his head slowly and they both got up and left the room. All the Avengers and others were outside all there ready to say goodbye to Steve and Tony.

Peter stood beside his mother along with his other siblings. After the funeral Y/N sat there on the docks alone while Happy watched three of the kids on the porch.

"Is Mommy going to be okay?" Morgan asks him.

"In time sweetie. In time." Happy says.

"Can we have something to eat?" Everlie asks.

"Sure. What would you all like?" Happy asks.

"Cheese Burgers." Morgan says.

"I can do that." Happy says.

Hours Y/N was sitting on the couch just playing with the rings on her ring finger when she felt someone tapped her shoulder.

"Hey." Nat says.

"Hey." Y/N says.

"Morgan wanted to stay with Bexley to keep him company. And she also wanted to be with Everlie and Peter. So they are all in Peter's room watching old home movies Tony had saved in his files." Nat tells her.

"Okay." Y/N says.

"Whats the matter? Other then the fact that you lost the two men you loved." Nat says.

Y/N slowly looked up at her and then handed her something. Nat looked at what she was handed and then up at Y/N.

"Ohh... That must be hard to see considering everything that has happened." Nat says.

Nat sat beside her friend and slowly put the thing down before hugging her. Y/N just rested her head on Nat's shoulder while looking down. Looking down at a positive pregnancy test.

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