Chapter 26

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Time was just going by at a normal speed, but to Y/N it was moving slowly. But before long it had been two years since the snap took place. Over the two years Steve and Tony fixed their relationship and Steve rejoined the family.

If you saw the family from the outside you would see two loving husbands, two happy daughters, and one very lucky and happy woman. Now that wasnt far from the truth, but everyday that passed they still missed Peter and their friends.

Now the thing was Tony and Steve had been talking about having Y/N and Steve have one more baby together. That way it was two kids from each of them. Though they didnt tell their wife.

And that was because she was always so quiet at time. Y/N, was mostly with 4 year old Everlie and 1 year old Morgan. She just always seemed down. And they knew very well as to why.

Y/N's story before head was a girl with power and all alone, trapped by SHIELD. She had finally gotten freedom and found love only to become pregnant not to long after. Tony and Steve knew Y/N very well and how much having a family meant to her, but now she is just facing depression everyday.

"Maybe we shouldnt ask her." Steve says.

"Yeah maybe, but we cant keep living like this. She just mopes around and cries all the time. I love her with my whole heart and I can honestly say I miss her smile, her laugh, her upbeat personality. I just miss her." Tony says.

"I know, but us wanting one more child isnt going to do anything better for her." Steve says.

Both were just talking in the living room not knowing she over heard them. They missed her and wanted to expand their family. They were hurting and she hated herself because she was making everyone so miserable.

"Sorry." Y/N whispers.

They both quickly turned around and Y/N was already heading upstairs.

"You go talk to her. I'll keep an eye on the girls." Steve says.

Tony quickly got up and headed into their room. When he went to open the door it was locked.

"Darlin, let me in." Tony says.

"Go away." Y/N says.

"Baby, you heard what we said. No one is mad at you." Tony says.

It went quiet for a second and then the door opened.

"Thats where you're wrong Tony. Im mad at me. Im the one being selfish. Im ruining this family by grieving the loss I cant change. Ugh! I hate myself." Y/N says.

Tony pulled her into a hug and kissed her head. She just cried in his arms.

"Oh Honey you arent ruining this family. And no one thinks you are selfish. We lost our son to that snap two years ago and you have every right to hold on to him. But I dont ever want you to say you hate yourself. I think we all in away hate ourselves for what happened. But you shouldnt. Peter knew how much you loved him and how much you wanted to keep him safe." Tony says kissing her head.

"It hurts Tony. It hurts. Everyday it hurts." Y/N says.

"I know baby. I know. Look Steve and I love you and if you dont want another child or aleast not yet we understand." Tony says.

Y/N didnt know what to say at that moment, but after the girls went to bed they all talked alittle more. And Y/N knew she had to move forward and in doing so just 6 weeks later she found out she and Steve were expecting another baby.

Y/N was pregnant and going to therapy as much as she could during this second year after the snap. Months were moving fast and before they knew it Y/N had their baby. This one was a boy. A son they named Bexley James. So now they there were entering the third year post snap, with a new born baby, a just turned 3 year old, and a soon to by 5 year old.

Y/N still missed her eldest child, but she knew he would want her to move forward. Cause he loved his mom so much to make sure she was happy. This would make him happy and knowing that made Y/N happy.

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